
Home Forums Community Forum Shortcode Event Description

Shortcode Event Description

Posted: June 17, 2024 at 4:20 am

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June 17, 2024 at 4:20 am

Hi, is there an existing shotcode for event descriptions and details? The code for ticket selector is working and tickets are shown. But I need the whole information about a single event as shown, when I click the preview link. How I can do that? Which shortcode can I use?


  • Support Staff

June 18, 2024 at 6:07 am

Hi there,

We don’t currently have an option to pull in all of the event details with a shortcode like your requesting.

The ticket selector shortcode was added to allow registration to start from external pages (external to EE’s post).

May I ask what the user case for this is?


June 19, 2024 at 6:32 am

Hi Tony,

thank you, for your answer. We are doing a website for a dancing school th the moment. They offer a range of courses at different locations in different cities. For every course I want to setup a daft and then duplicate it, actualize time and prices and put the courses on 3 diffenrent lacal websites. With a shortcode for a single event it would be very time saving. If have red that there was a shortcode in ee3 for single events but it did not work in ee4. Or is there another way to display an event with all details on different sites? Thank you for helping me

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