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Several pre-sales….

Posted: October 7, 2014 at 3:49 am

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Dario Maric

October 7, 2014 at 3:49 am

I have some pre-sale questions:

1. About translating this plugin into local language. How many lines are there for translate and what exactly discount you provide for translators ?

2. There are upcoming events and archived ones (already held). Is already held seminar automatically marked as ARCHIVED , based on event date ?

3. With each archived seminar page I need following, so I would like to know how can I accomplish that, is this possible with this plugin:

a) People who attend event will receive some kind of questionnaire and admin should input this somehow so this shoule appear within event page. Actually this will be some kind of statistics for us.

b) Photos from event with photo description

c) Attaching PDF document for ptinting purposes which is actually event described in short text

d) Each seminar have documents/materials for after event purchasing. Can we list such materials within this event page with direct buttons for buying this materials through Woocommerce (offline paying) ? Or any other ideas ?

4. How can someone search events on website. I mean is it possible to search with filters UPCOMING and ARCHIVED events.

5. Can events be categorized somehow per semestar/seasons ?



October 7, 2014 at 4:48 am


Thanks for your interest in Event Espresso.

1) It depends on the version. EE3 currently runs at 5881 lines and EE4 at 4361 lines.

You can apply as a translator here and discounts will be discussed at that point:

2) By default events that have passed are excluded from the event list. You can show them quite easily with a shortcode parameter/setting. They do not state on the list they are expired in the event list in EE3 but they do in once clicked through. EE4 displays a notification that the event is expired in the evnt list.

3) You can add all of these to the event description. Please note the plugin will not create any of these for you you will need to do that yourself.

4) Events can be searched by name/venue name in EE3. EE4, events are custom post types so can be searched via the standard WordPress search system. There is currently no way to filter these results via EE.

5) Events can have categories associated with them, but I am unsure what you mean by “per semestar/seasons”.

EE4 can be test driven for free over at http://demoee-org

Dario Maric

October 8, 2014 at 1:42 am

Thanks for your reply.
About this per semestar/season. I mean, how to categorize events per season, for example, winter events, summer events…?

One more thing. Can you please send me link where I can see feature comparison between LITE (free) version of this plugin and payed one (version 4 of course).


Dario Maric

October 8, 2014 at 3:11 am

While I am waiting for reply on above……I have another question related on one previous question (3).
For test purposes I installed Event Espresso Lite 4 version . Now, regarding my question about inserting galleries and Woocommerce products , I installed NextGEN gallery to test this feature. And I found problem.
The thing is that NexGEN gallery adds button in WordPress editor, fromwhich you can insert galleries that you created from NexGEN plugin. There is this green button providing that. But the problem is that this button is not available in this editor when creating Events. It is normaly available in toolbar of this editor when creating Pages, Posts and Products (Woocommerce) but it is not available when creating Events with Event Espresso. this is very important for me, can you please check this out and advise.


October 8, 2014 at 5:07 am

Hi Dario,

OK, regarding the seasons, then yes using categories would be the best option. You can then set up standard WordPress pages and use an EE shortcode on each one which refers to each category. Alternatively we do have some table templates that allow users to filter by category.

Comparisons: we actually don’t have a comparison of free to premium. We do have an EE3 to EE4 comparison table though

Regarding NextGEN. We had issues a while back with plugins modifying the text editor in ways that broke things, as such we now tend to strip out any none WordPress based additions to the text editor for the events.

You can still create the galleries in the NextGEN menu and then assign the shortcode into the event and that should work fine.

Dario Maric

October 8, 2014 at 6:11 am

Can you please list major features that are not included in free version.

I am not sure where can I find shortcodes for galleries created under NextGEN ? Do you know any other gallery plugin that have shortcodes available on this editor for Events ?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

October 8, 2014 at 10:28 am


Our blog post announcing the decaf version of Event Espresso highlights the features that are available in the regular version of Event Espresso: AIM, PayPal Pro, and Mijireh payment gateway integrations
Compatibility with Event Espresso 4 add-ons
Unlimited events (multiple datetimes per event too)
Event check-in tracking
Customizable email messages
Custom registration forms (custom questions)
Tax management
Default ticket management
Price modifiers (discounts and surcharges)
Venue manager

The NextGen documentation site has examples of shortcodes that can be used:

The button that lets you select them may not be available in the event editor but you can still add those shortcodes to the editor and save changes.


Dario Maric

October 10, 2014 at 2:57 am

I have some more questions:

1. Google Map…on free version I don’t see it is available integrated on Event page. Is this available on Premium version for sure ?

2. Demo version backend is actually free version, right ? How about backend demo for full premium version ?

3. In new 4 version, is it possible to add currency I need ?

4. Are translations separated for frontend and backend (admin) ?

5. Are there and feature related differences between developer and personal license ?


Dario Maric

October 10, 2014 at 2:58 am

6. is it possible to choose 24 hour format instead AM and PM ?


October 10, 2014 at 3:24 am


1) Yes. In EE3 you need to use the Venue Shortcode to make the maps show. In EE4 it is settings based. EE3: EE4:

2) If you are referring to, then no, that’s the premium version. If you are not referring to the EE4 testdrive site, please clarify what you are referring to.

3) Yes, currencies can be modified if needed in EE4. In EE3 it’s harder, as you need to modify the plugin files to achieve it if the currency is not already listed.

4) No, the translations are done from one file which covers both the front and backend.

5) No, just the number of sites you can get support for and number of addons that are bundled in (see

6) Yes, via the WordPress settings

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