
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Serious Lag when sending email through plugin

Serious Lag when sending email through plugin

Posted: December 10, 2012 at 12:55 pm

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Brian Tetrault

December 10, 2012 at 12:55 pm

I’ve tried a few times now to send emails via the plugin–i.e. ‘Email Event Attendees’ etc–and it seems very iffy to say the least. To test it, I registered myself (through a different email address) in a couple of my events and then timed when the email that was sent by clicking ‘Email Event Attendees’ and in all cases it was multiple days. If I need to email everyone right away, I’ve been downloading the excel, copying/pasting into email and not using the built in templates and email shortcodes–not at all ideal. Any suggestions? Is this an email server problem? The confirmation emails seems to go out right away…..


December 11, 2012 at 12:39 am

Hi Brian,

I have not seen that issue before, and I tend to email myself a lot when testing. Testing again and barring the delay of me having to force Google to check my additional accounts, the emails were there in seconds.

If you are sending thousands of emails, they tend to get staggered, but still shouldn’t take days to receive. As such I would say that you need to perhaps speak to your host regarding this. You can also test out WP Mail SMTP plugin and the service Postmark (we have an app for that in the Pre-release section as well). These may help resolve the issue for you.

Brian Tetrault

December 11, 2012 at 8:40 am

Thanks so much for the help–I’m not coming anywhere close to thousands of emails. The first couple I had to send out went to under 25 people each time. I’m going to try out the SMTP plugin and see if that will do it. Thanks!

Brian Tetrault

December 11, 2012 at 11:29 am

Just ran another test and the WP SMTP Mail plugin worked like a charm! Thanks for the tip!

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