
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Send attendee_id to user meta issue

Send attendee_id to user meta issue

Posted: October 30, 2013 at 4:09 pm

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Michael Gyura

October 30, 2013 at 4:09 pm

I’m running into a strange situation when trying to grab attendee data.
I can run the ‘action_hook_espresso_save_attendee_data’ hook and use $attendee_data to grab all of the unique data of attendees, even when multiple people are added.
But, $attendee_data[ ‘attendee_id’ ] prints the same for every user.

[code language=”php”]
[registration_id] => 2-527179a16d410
[is_primary] => 1
[attendee_session] => 93fb19d4cf87e14b86a5fcfe14de6106-52716ef900f250.87686713
[lname] => User
[fname] => Primary
[address] => 1596 Moraine Circle, #48
[address2] =>
[city] => Steamboat Springs
[state] => CO
[country_id] =>
[zip] => 80487
[email] =>
[phone] =>
[payment] =>
[txn_type] =>
[coupon_code] =>
[event_time] => 08:00
[end_time] => 21:00
[start_date] => 2013-11-29
[end_date] => 2013-12-04
[price_option] => Free Ticket
[organization_name] =>
[payment_status] => Incomplete
[payment_date] =>
[event_id] => 2
[quantity] => 1
[amount_pd] => 0.00
[orig_price] => 0.00
[final_price] => 0.00
[attendee_id] => 29
[event_meta] => Array
[default_payment_status] =>
[venue_id] => 1
[additional_attendee_reg_info] => 2
[add_attendee_question_groups] => Array
[1] => 1

[date_submitted] => October 30, 2013
[event_hashtag] =>
[event_format] =>
[event_livestreamed] =>
[] =>


[registration_id] => 2-527179a16d410
[attendee_session] => 93fb19d4cf87e14b86a5fcfe14de6106-52716ef900f250.87686713
[lname] => User
[fname] => Second
[email] =>
[address] =>
[address2] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[zip] =>
[phone] =>
[payment] =>
[event_time] => 08:00
[end_time] => 21:00
[start_date] => 2013-11-29
[end_date] => 2013-12-04
[price_option] => Free Ticket
[organization_name] =>
[country_id] =>
[payment_status] => Incomplete
[payment_date] =>
[event_id] => 2
[quantity] => 1
[amount_pd] => 0
[orig_price] => 0.00
[final_price] => 0.00
[attendee_id] => 29
[event_meta] => Array
[default_payment_status] =>
[venue_id] => 1
[additional_attendee_reg_info] => 2
[add_attendee_question_groups] => Array
[1] => 1

[date_submitted] => October 30, 2013
[event_hashtag] =>
[event_format] =>
[event_livestreamed] =>
[] =>


[registration_id] => 2-527179a16d410
[attendee_session] => 93fb19d4cf87e14b86a5fcfe14de6106-52716ef900f250.87686713
[lname] => User
[fname] => Third
[email] =>
[address] =>
[address2] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[zip] =>
[phone] =>
[payment] =>
[event_time] => 08:00
[end_time] => 21:00
[start_date] => 2013-11-29
[end_date] => 2013-12-04
[price_option] => Free Ticket
[organization_name] =>
[country_id] =>
[payment_status] => Incomplete
[payment_date] =>
[event_id] => 2
[quantity] => 1
[amount_pd] => 0
[orig_price] => 0.00
[final_price] => 0.00
[attendee_id] => 29
[event_meta] => Array
[default_payment_status] =>
[venue_id] => 1
[additional_attendee_reg_info] => 2
[add_attendee_question_groups] => Array
[1] => 1

[date_submitted] => October 30, 2013
[event_hashtag] =>
[event_format] =>
[event_livestreamed] =>
[] =>


Here is what I am doing. Any idea how I can grab the unique ‘attendee_id’?

[code language=”php”]
add_action( ‘action_hook_espresso_save_attendee_data’, ‘pyd_create_wp_user’, 10, 1 );

function pyd_create_wp_user( $attendee_data ) {
if ( username_exists( $attendee_data[ ’email’ ] ) == NULL ) {
global $org_options;

echo ‘';
print_r( $attendee_data );
echo '’;

$password = wp_generate_password( 12, false );
$user_id = wp_create_user( $attendee_data[ ’email’ ], $password, $attendee_data[ ’email’ ] );

//Additional fields can be found here:
‘ID’ => $user_id,
‘nickname’ => $attendee_data[ ‘fname’ ] . ‘ ‘ . $attendee_data[ ‘lname’ ],
‘display_name’ => $attendee_data[ ‘fname’ ] . ‘ ‘ . $attendee_data[ ‘lname’ ],
‘first_name’ => $attendee_data[ ‘fname’ ],
‘last_name’ => $attendee_data[ ‘lname’ ],
‘description’ => __( ‘Registered via event registration form.’, ‘event_espresso’ ),

update_user_meta( $user_id, ‘pyd_espresso_user_id’, $attendee_data[ “attendee_id” ] );

// Set the role
$user = new WP_User( $user_id );
$user->set_role( ‘attendee’ );

// Email the user
wp_mail( $attendee_data[ ’email’ ], ‘Welcome to ‘ . $org_options[ ‘organization’ ], ‘Your Username: ‘ . $attendee_data[ ’email’ ] . ‘ Your Password: ‘ . $password );

} // end if

  • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Michael Gyura.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Michael Gyura.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Michael Gyura.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Michael Gyura.


October 31, 2013 at 4:14 am


That’s actually the correct behaviour, the additional attendees are stored (currently) under the primary attendees registration number.

Michael Gyura

October 31, 2013 at 10:28 am

Thank you for your reply.
In the ‘events_attendee’ table, each attendee has a unique and correctly numbered ID. So, each attendee does have a unique number. It seems that in the Meta Data stored it keeps the number of the primary register. But, in the attendee table they get their unique key. When does that happen and is there a function I can use to grab that unique number at registration?


November 1, 2013 at 5:08 am


It seems we are both correct: with standard registration they share the ID, with MER they do not

I’m not sure of the exact code, but it would happen at the confirmation display point as that is when they are added to the database.

Looking at it, and bearing in mind I am not a developer, it looks to me like MER is being actioned by the event_espresso_add_attendees_to_db_multi function in event-espresso/includes/functions/add_attendees_to_db.php (this is called from the cart.php file), so I would suggest checking that out.

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