
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Selling real products using EE3

Selling real products using EE3

Posted: August 12, 2014 at 1:28 am

seome israel

August 12, 2014 at 1:28 am

Question 1 – we know we can open several tickets in a single event, so we can also sell products (CD, T-Shirt, etc). But we would like to sell products without all the characteristics of an event – no dates, etc. Just sell a product in its own page, with image(s), price, etc. Is that possible in EE3?

Question 2 – the following product was given several categories via the management panel, but they are not showing online, as you can see: (below image, near date). How can that be solved?

Thank you


August 12, 2014 at 11:24 pm


1) All events require dates and registration. You could hide the dates on the event using CSS, but they would still need to register.

2) Your theme has added those in, but as events are Custom Post Types, the event categories are also a custom taxonomy. At a guess your theme is trying to pull in standard post categories, which of course wont work.

Fixing it would require modifying the theme to allow the custom taxonomies or modifying the template/using CSS to remove the “categories” title.

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