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Secondary Events

Posted: August 31, 2015 at 5:42 pm

Michael Catanzaro

August 31, 2015 at 5:42 pm

I want to use one of your products but not sure which to choose. here are my requirements: use stripe or, seating chart, secondary events. I am putting on a conference which will have a golf tournament, have sponsor signups, have multiple levels of registrants. I am hoping all this can go in a cart so only one check out is necessary. Suggestions on how to bundle your product to work best for my needs? Thanks


  • Support Staff

September 1, 2015 at 4:08 am

Hi Michael,

When you secondary events, can you explain this a little further please?

Event Espresso does not allow you to assign events to other events, but you can have multiple ticket selections within an event which can be setup to work similar to a ‘main event’ ticket with individual registrations on separate tickets.

So you could have a ‘Registration Fee’ ticket, then 5 workshops available for users to register on if they wish. However I’m not sure if that will suit your use case.

Both version of Event Espresso (EE3 and EE4) can handle sponsors, multiple registrations and a cart system, however the seating chart is only available within EE3 but EE4 handles the cart aspects of multiple registrations much better.

Have you signed up to testdrive either version to if they will suit you needs? You can do so here:

Test Drive Event Espresso

Test Drive Event Espresso 4

Both of those links give you access to the full version so you can create a test event and see how EE works.

Michael Catanzaro

September 1, 2015 at 9:55 am

What I am talking about is that we are hosting a conference and for this conference we will be selling tickets to the conference 3 levels(I get this part). We are hosting a golf tournament which we are selling tickets. We sell sponsorships. I want to be able to have one shopping cart and checkout. Then there is the seating chart. Does that work with either EE3 or EE4? Thanks.

Jonathan Wilson

September 1, 2015 at 3:38 pm

Hi Michael,

The Seating Chart add-on is currently only available for EE3.

However, setting up multiple ticket types is much easier in EE4, simply because what you are describing will require multiple events (one for each type of ticket, sponsorship, etc.).

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