
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Scroll Bar for "Upcoming Events"

Scroll Bar for "Upcoming Events"

Posted: July 22, 2013 at 2:19 pm

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John Fineberg

July 22, 2013 at 2:19 pm

Is there a way to add a scroll bar for “Upcoming Events” (without changing code)? Or, if it’s at all possible, would that be in with my DejaVu theme settings?

Seth Shoultes

July 22, 2013 at 5:38 pm

Currently, we don’t have a way to control the look and feel of the event listings using the WordPress admin. So you may need to adjust a little bit of code or CSS.

John Fineberg

July 23, 2013 at 11:51 am

I want visitors to know that there are a lot of classes to choose from, but I don’t want to use that much space on the page. Please pass along my request to add this type of control into Event Espresso settings (without having to play with code to accomplish it).

Seth Shoultes

July 23, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Hi John,

Instead of a scroll bar, you can try using the [EVENT_LIST events_per_page=10] (adds pagination to the event list) short code on a page (not your registration page). This short code will add pagination to your event list page.

John Fineberg

July 23, 2013 at 1:47 pm

Hi Seth,

Can you post a screen shot of what pagination might look like?

I use the WP Widget setting to limit the number of classes to 16. I used to have it set to just five or six, but that makes some visitors think that’s the entire list of upcoming events. If people can see (or scroll to see) all upcoming classes, that’s what I think works best for selling classes. I know that I can also use the EE General Settings area to limit what’s shown to a shorter list.

I sure would like it if you didn’t need to be a developer to use Event Espresso. Making more functions available without going into code would be a positive step forward.



July 24, 2013 at 4:38 am

Hi John,

The pagination looks like this – though it could be modified as it is just using background images.

I sure would like it if you didn’t need to be a developer to use Event Espresso. Making more functions available without going into code would be a positive step forward.

I do understand what you are saying here, we do try to make as many general purpose options available to users to be able to use the plugin without digging into code.

However, when it comes to modifying the plugin to suit users needs, we cannot account for everything so code changes are generally needed.

Honestly I haven’t used a complex plugin yet where I haven’t had to at the very least change CSS, and often add in functions and template changes to make it look and act how I want it to.

I will of course pass the feedback onto the developers, as getting valuable user feedback like this is very welcome.

John Fineberg

July 24, 2013 at 10:36 am

Hi, Dean. From the pagination link you sent, it looks like we’re talking about two different things. Please take a look at what I call “Register Now” (in the right sidebar), which is just a renamed “Upcoming Events.”

That’s where I’d like to have a scroll bar, not on the page you sent. And, as that Widget exists in my DejaVu theme, perhaps that’s where the scroll bar would be added, not in Event Espresso. Thoughts?


July 25, 2013 at 3:31 am

Hi John,

Yes the pagination Seth and I were mentioning is for the event list shortcode, which is normally used in the main content area.

There isnt a pagination system built into the widget.

You could fake scrollbars by using CSS, something like

#events-widget-3 {
height: 200px;
width: 97%;
overflow-y: scroll !important;

Other than that you could perhaps modify an event list shortcode using the css_class attribute, but you would need to add a function to the theme to allow shortcodes in the text widgets and I thinkl it woul dbe a bit too much work for you.

John Fineberg

July 25, 2013 at 8:18 am

As I don’t have anyone to do code for me at this time, I guess I’ll just live with what I have. But thanks for the info anyway. Maybe somebody else out there in forum-land will be able to use it.


July 25, 2013 at 9:16 am


No problem, the CSS is an easy addition, download the My CustomCSS plugin and just copy the above into the plugin CSS page (it will add a menu item) and thats it, but it might not be 100% what you are after – screenshot

John Fineberg

July 25, 2013 at 9:55 am

Okay, I’ve downloaded and activated My CustomCSS. But now where do I go to copy and paste that code into my Register Now (a.k.a. Upcoming Events) widget to make a sidebar scrollbar?


July 25, 2013 at 10:08 am

Click the menu item on the left and just paste it into the box on the right and click the save button

John Fineberg

July 25, 2013 at 10:14 am

Apparently, I’ve done something wrong. When I typed in My CustomCSS, it downloaded something called “oik.” I just assumed it was the company name or something. But if I’m supposed to have a My CustomCSS link in my dashboard right now, I don’t. Any idea what I’ve done wrong?

John Fineberg

July 25, 2013 at 3:50 pm

I tried what I thought would be the normal way of downloading — twice — but I kept getting the wrong plugin. So I resorted to Googling MyCustomCSS. I downloaded it to my computer, then installed it. Now my dashboard looks like it’s supposed to look (according to your screen shot).

I pasted the code into a box and clicked save. Now what’s the next step to get the code into the right spot to make my sidebar widget have a scroll bar?

John Fineberg

July 25, 2013 at 9:12 pm

Wow, it worked! I didn’t see it earlier because it works on the primary widget area only, not on the homepage widget area.

This is a great accomplishment, and I thank you for it, as I never could have done it without your help. But, if you can tell me how to get it onto the homepage, too, that would be fabulous.

My guess is that I need to add and save a second similar script, replacing “#events-widget-3” with “#events-widget-2” or “#events-widget-1” or something like that. By the way, I figured out how to adjust the height of the window to be able to see more classes at a time, so I’m pretty happy about that, too.

Are these code changes going to survive Event Espresso upgrades in the future, or will they need to be repeated?


July 26, 2013 at 2:38 am


Glad you got it working. Yes the home page its events-widget-2, there isnt a “class” that could be easily used unfortunately.

Which means you will need to check the CSS if you remove and add back the widget.

If the CSS is in the My Custom CSS plugin then updates will not affect it.

Tony Warwick

July 26, 2013 at 3:12 am

Hi John,

An easy way to accomplish this would be to change ‘#events-widget-3’ to ‘.events.widget’

Everything else can stay the same.


July 26, 2013 at 3:17 am

Good thinking!

John Fineberg

July 26, 2013 at 7:21 am

Thank you, Tony. Such a simple solution. And thank you, Dean, for turning me on to My Custom CSS. Now I’m excited to see what other magic tricks it can do.

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