
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Script conflict with Bootstrap scripts

Script conflict with Bootstrap scripts

Posted: December 19, 2012 at 4:46 am

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Corey Harrison

December 19, 2012 at 4:46 am


I’m having some script conflicts with EE scripts causing my bootstrap dropdown menus to not function on the EE registration page. the rest of the site the dropdown menus function as they should.

I have found that it is the validation.js and pagination.js are the offending scripts. they also seem to be causing the “add more attendees” button not to function.

I am building the site offline at the moment so unfortunately I cannot post a link.

I have my bootstrap scripts being call from the functions.php file. I am happy to move them if this is going to remedy the problem.



December 19, 2012 at 5:32 am

Hey Corey,

Those two scripts should not cause any issue with the “add more attendees” link. Often that issue is due to other scripts, no conflict mode not being enabled or due to the theme calling an older version of Jquery instead of using the in built WP one.

I think once you resolve the add more attendees it will resolve the bootstrap issue as well.

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