
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium "SAFE MODE Restriction in effect" error after activation

"SAFE MODE Restriction in effect" error after activation

Posted: February 2, 2014 at 12:14 am

Paul Warneke

February 2, 2014 at 12:14 am

After activating Event Expresso my site does not load and instead displays two lines of PHO error centring on a “SAFE MODE Restriction in effect” Running the requirements tool does not provide any problems, only a couple of apache file warning. The error refers to not being abler to access /temp folder but changing access to 777 make no difference. The error can be seer here
This test site only has event expresso installed on the latest version of WP
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Paul Warneke

February 2, 2014 at 12:17 am

PS – I should add that this test site is running the standard 2014 theme but it also occurs with my commercial theme. Deactivating EE removes the issue and site loads correctly.

Paul Warneke

February 2, 2014 at 1:55 am

Solution turned out to be with my php.ini file.
Adding the line “safe_mode = Off” fixed the issue
No more issue with test or production environments.

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