
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Running a Course, ticketing check in weekly

Running a Course, ticketing check in weekly

Posted: August 27, 2013 at 4:42 am

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crystal fieldhouse

August 27, 2013 at 4:42 am


I am running a course over 6 weeks where people have the option of paying an amount upfront to do the full course or come to individual sessions.

I have set it up for the full course to start on the 1st day of the first week and end on the last day of the last week.

How can I organise it so I check these participants in each week with the ticketing app on the iPhone?



August 27, 2013 at 5:30 am

Hello Crystal,

Each registration is an individual ticket, so in order to scan a single ticket more than once they would in effect have to buy X number of tickets. If they are not requested to supply additional attendee details they will then only get one ticket but with X charges on it, so it can be scanned X times.

There isn’t any way currently to buy a single ticket that can be scanned multiple times.

crystal fieldhouse

August 27, 2013 at 5:37 am

Ok, Thank you 🙂

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