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Roles and Permissions (2)

Posted: October 30, 2012 at 6:12 pm

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October 30, 2012 at 6:12 pm

I’m a little perturbed. When I original bought Event Espresso it worked with the the Role Manager that is part of the free WP plugin Members by Justin Tadlock.

Now, having updated, the role manager no longer offers me the ability to let logged in club members view and edit events they’ve registered for. None of the espresso functions appear in the list.

I see for another $60 I can purchase an addon to do what I could do for free before.

Not a happy camper.

  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Garth.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

October 31, 2012 at 7:40 am


We’re sorry to hear that you’re frustrated with the changes in the Permissions plugin. We made the decision to split off the more advanced functions of the R&P plugin over a year ago for fairly straightforward reasons:

1 – 90% of people using the plugin only cared about giving users access to create events without giving them free reign over the entire WordPress dashboard.

2 – The plugin was already overly complicated and confusing to users. People were breaking their sites and their admin because they didn’t understand how it worked. We stripped out the role management because part of this problem was related to #1 — they didn’t need all this stuff and yet they were fiddling with things they didn’t understand and causing major support headaches for both themselves and for us.

Justin Tadlock’s Members plugin is an amazing and powerful plugin. It also has a lot of potential to completely destroy your site, your access, and your users such that the only fix if you did manage to mess up your permissions irrevocably would be an even more daunting solution of hacking the database to fix it.

Roles & Permissions for Event Espresso was never free. We may have given it out to some early users for testing, but if R&P was still built on Tadlock’s Members plugin, that means that when you originally purchased R&P the plugin was still in beta — we were still working out the kinks. This was a major kink that got worked out. The only difference in the price model between the original incarnation of Roles & Permissions and the current one is the $30 extra for the advanced features. In terms of what R&P does functionally, it’s adding the new roles of Event Admin (along with Event Manager and Regional Manager for Pro). The capabilities that could, in the past, be added through Members don’t work without the roles that the plugin adds. It’s probably very possible that you could circumvent the entire system and just use the Members plugin to do everything that our plugin does, but in so doing, you’d be completely on your own. Our software is open source — you’re free to modify the code however you want — our support in the forums and through our documentation is what’s included in the fees you pay when you purchase a plugin or add-on.

For many of our users who purchased R&P before it was two separate plugins, we’ve given them copies or coupon codes for the Pro version. If you did want to purchase Roles & Permissions and receive support via the forums, if you email me directly (my name at this domain dot com) I would be happy to give you a coupon code to offset the added cost of Permissions Pro. Does that work?


October 31, 2012 at 10:12 am

Thank you for your thoughtful response. Quite a bit has changed at Events Espresso in the past year!

I agree that the Roles & Permissions part of the Members plugin is unwieldy. I started using Advanced Access Manager on most other sites. (harder to break)

The only thing I was looking for was a way for logged in users to manage the events they RSVP’d for (i.e., cancel reservations). I see ‘my events’ as an admin, but not as a non-admin user (club member).

I see from my purchase last year that I did only buy the Basic license with the members addon. Re-reading the description (on the wayback machine), I can see why I didn’t buy it, I don’t have non-admins creating events.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

October 31, 2012 at 10:23 am

The My Events tab should appear to all registered WP users, not just admins. Have you tried using the User Switching plugin to make sure it’s not showing up for your non-admin registered users?

3.1.28 (which we’re going to kick ourselves if we can’t get it out today or tomorrow) actually adds a shortcode to bring that My Events tab to the front-end, which might help you out as well.


October 31, 2012 at 10:32 am

Not sure how I missed it before, but I just tested it again and it’s right there in the users menu. Too many balls in the air, I guess.

We’re still just staring to get club members registered on the site (site has been set up since last January, club just never got around to using it).

Thank you very much for your prompt, helpful responses.

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by vcudnik.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

October 31, 2012 at 10:38 am

No problem. Glad we could figure out the needs of your site and get that stuff worked out.

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