I’m trying to resize the calendar widget to be pretty small. I’ve played around with the CSS plenty and gotten the calendar to be smaller, but once I go smaller than 300px wide, the event markers don’t line up where they are supposed to. Here’s an example: http://beta.fullcirclefamilycare.com/classes-groups/womens-yoga/
The event markers should be on Tuesday, but they are showing up on Thursday. If you click the next/previous month buttons, the calendar re-renders and the event markers are where they should be, but not when the calendar first renders on page load.
Hi, yes I removed the calendar and placed the image because we needed to review the page with the client.
I’ve put the calendar back and I would greatly appreciate any advice you can offer on why the event markers are not positioning properly on the initial page load. The EE calendar is in the middle of the page.
Interesting … I just changed the font-size for the header (.fc-widget-header) and it had an effect on the horizontal positioning of the event markers. The larger the font-size the farther right the event markers are positioned. Still, this is all just on the initial page load.
This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by markal.
That was the trick! I was altering the text in the header with jquery, but the calendar logic was calculating things with the full/original header text in consideration. I corrected my mistake and now the event markers are positioning as desired!
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