
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Request: waitlist for separate datetimes/tickets

Request: waitlist for separate datetimes/tickets

Posted: December 8, 2022 at 11:26 am

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Somatic Practice

December 8, 2022 at 11:26 am

Greetings –

I see from other forum posts on this topic (most recently in 2020) that it is not currently possible to activate a waiting list for one datetime in an event if other datetimes still have tickets available. As far as I can see, this negates a big advantage to having datetimes to begin with.

In our case, the datetimes for an event are meant to be three modules for a course, each module with an Early and Regular registration rate plus a transfer ticket. The modules are taken in sequence with separate registrations, but the course itself is a single event, with a cohort of students moving through the modules together. The students complete Module 1, then return to register for Modules 2 and 3. This means, for managing enrollments overall, we must have one event rather than separate events.

I see that others have requested this feature as well, and I’d like to add my voice to the chorus of requests. We chose Event Espresso because we thought it would suit our needs, but to be blunt, if we can’t solve this problem we may need a different solution. Very painful option.

If you know of any workarounds to put a band-aid on this, or if you think this could be done within Event Espresso by hiring someone to code it, I would appreciate knowing about it. We are up against this issue now, urgently with a course beginning next March. (registration page here)

Many thanks…

Somatic Practice

December 8, 2022 at 11:55 am

Hello again – I am wondering about a workaround which would be a new “Waiting list” ticket for a sold-out datetime, which could then be transferred to a paid ticket if the space becomes available? This brings up a couple of questions:
– would the same notifications be triggered as for a waiting list invitation, or would I need to do that manually?
– advice appreciated about how to set up the limits for number of tickets available (do I increase the overall limit by the number of waiting list spaces, leaving the other tickets as-is?)

Thanks . . .

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