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Removing Powered by…

Posted: April 28, 2014 at 12:48 pm

Monica Carvalho

April 28, 2014 at 12:48 pm

Please, How can I remove the Powered by Event Espresso from the ticket..and other places if have?


  • Support Staff

April 28, 2014 at 2:15 pm

Hi Monica,

You can remove the Powered by message from the ticket by editing the ticket template. Some general instructions on how to edit the ticket template can be found here:

The Powered by line of code is in the index.php ticket template on line 82.

The Powered by message that appears on the registration form can be removed by going to Event Espresso > General settings and changing the “Show a link to Event Espresso in your event pages?” option to No.

Monica Carvalho

April 28, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Thanks so much, Josh.
Please, IF you can give one more help…
I added a new group with a new item called [CPF]. How can I find the [shortcode] for it, so I can put it in the Ticket


April 29, 2014 at 4:45 am

Hi Monica,

That’s possible but you would need to edit the ticket template and use the EE_ANSWER shortcode (

Somewhere near the top, add the following


$a_sql = "SELECT * FROM " . EVENTS_ATTENDEE_TABLE . " WHERE event_id='" . $data->event->id . "'";
  $a_sql .= $paid_only == 'true'? " AND (payment_status='Completed' OR payment_status='Pending') ":'';
  $a_sql .= $sort;
  //echo $a_sql;
  $attendees = $wpdb->get_results($a_sql);
  foreach ($attendees as $attendee){
    $id = $attendee->id;
    $lname = $attendee->lname;
    $fname = $attendee->fname;
    $city = $attendee->city;
    $state = $attendee->state;
    $country = $attendee->state;
    $email = $attendee->email;
    $gravatar = $show_gravatar == 'true'? get_avatar( $email, $size = '100', $default = '' ) : '';
    $city_state = $city != '' || $state != '' ? '
' . ($city != '' ? $city :'') . ($state != '' ? ', ' . $state :' ') :'';


Then, wherever you want the answer to appear, add the following:

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[EE_ANSWER q="10" a="'.$id.'" ]' ); ?>

Just remember to change the 10 in q=”10″ to the right question ID otherwise you will not get the right answer to show.

Here’s a pastebin of the default ticket template with that code installed, to give you an idea of how it works.


April 29, 2014 at 5:35 am


Further to the above, use the following as the shortcode

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[EE_ANSWER q="10" a="'.$data->attendee->id.'" ]' ); ?>

It makes sure that the right attendee is used when there is a group booking.

I’ve updated the pastebin


April 29, 2014 at 5:41 am

Sorry to keep changing this. In fact you don’t need any of that main function, you can just add

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[EE_ANSWER q="10" a="'.$data->attendee->id.'" ]' ); ?>

to the ticket template. Just make sure to change the q=”10″

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