
Home Forums Multiple Event Registration Add-on Remove option to select number of attendees for an event in registration

Remove option to select number of attendees for an event in registration

Posted: June 25, 2013 at 10:09 am

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June 25, 2013 at 10:09 am


I’m having some issues with the additional attendees. I do not want to allow registration for additional attendees.  I have set “Allow Group Registration” to “No”. I have also tried to set the Max Group Registrants to zero, but it keeps defaulting back to 5. When I set Allow Group Registration to “no” and I “save event to cart and continue browsing” and then “view cart” the multi-registration form asks me “You can register a maximum of 1 attendees for this event.” If I leave the default to zero I can an error that says “Attention: For Event Name, please make sure to select between 1 and 6 attendees or delete it from your cart.”

Essentially I do not want the user to have to select “1” registrant – and I don’t even know why it’s saying I can select between 1 and 6 attendees when I have that set to NO. I’d like to remove all of that all together. When I hide the attendee selector in my css #event_espresso_shopping_cart table  – I still get the error message. How can I remove that all together? Details are below. Thank you!


WP v. 3.5.1

EE + MailChimp, MembersAddOn, Multi-Event, Recurring Event addons

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  • Support Staff

June 25, 2013 at 11:54 am

Hi there,

You could hide the price selector with CSS, but it will still need to be selected or the cart will not work (as you know).

If you add the following code to /templates/shopping_cart.php just below the closing form tag it will make the qty selector default to 1 and trigger a price refresh:


Please note, the above code will only work for cases where there is only one price option for the event. If there is more than one price option it will force a selection of all the price options.


June 25, 2013 at 12:02 pm


That is an absolutely perfect solution for me, thank you! We aren’t charging for any event so the price issue will not be a problem. Thanks again!


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