
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registrations not being logged

Registrations not being logged

Posted: October 3, 2013 at 10:27 pm

Jonathan Brooks

October 3, 2013 at 10:27 pm

Using WordPress 3.52. Using EE version 3.1.35.P.
Here is a link to the event in question:

A user was registering several good-sized groups today using the same name (the name of a school). She received email confirmations for all of them with unique registration IDs. Only one of these actually logged in the EventEspresso system.

The strange thing is that on the Event Overview page the filter view is showing a number a very large number for “today” that might correspond with her registrations. When I click the “today” filter, it only shows the one registration that was actually logged and the number decreases to reflect this.

Very confused on this one. Any assistance appreciated. Thanks.

Jonathan Brooks

October 3, 2013 at 10:53 pm

I think I figured this out, but just want to confirm. If the visitor doesn’t “close” the session by choosing a payment method and eventually getting to the “thank you” page, any registration forms they complete (presumably using the back button on their browser) with the same information will just overwrite the original in the system, even though they get multiple confirmation emails?


October 4, 2013 at 1:48 am


That’s correct. If the events are free, they will be pushed straight there so no issues. If they are paid then they will need to complete that payment. If you are offering “offline” payments such as by Invoice, there is a link under each offline payment to complete or finalise the registration. Clicking that will close the session as if they have paid.

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