
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registrations not always pushed to Mailchimp

Registrations not always pushed to Mailchimp

Posted: June 17, 2016 at 10:47 am


June 17, 2016 at 10:47 am

Dear support team,

For some time now I’m facing the issue that part of the event registrants are not pushed to the linked Mailchimp account. I defined a list and groups in Mailchimp and using your plugin I link a group to an event. Roughly 25 % of all registrations don’t end up in Mailchimp. So far I haven’t been able to identify a trend.

I don’t require double opt in mails. The setting for registration in Mailchimp is set to “registration is completed with an approved status”.

Probably this is not enough information to identify what is going wrong. What information could help to track the source of this problem?

Thanks. Best,


  • Support Staff

June 20, 2016 at 4:25 am

Hi Luc,

How do you currently identify the registrations that are not being passed over to MailChimp?

Within your MailChimp account you will find an API log, its within:

MailChimp -> Account -> Extras -> API Keys

However it only shows the last 24 hours worth of API calls made on your account but if you find a registration that does not go through to your MailChimp list you can check within the API log to see if there are any errors shown during the subscription call made by EE.

Do you have access to the servers error logs?

Also can you go to Event Espresso -> Maintenance -> System Information.

Search for ‘wp memory’ and post the value set for that here please.


June 20, 2016 at 4:31 am

It’s hard to track. It’s identified because customers complain they lack info and upon checking we can confirm the address hasn’t been passed through.

[wp_memory] => <mark class=”error”>40M – We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB.


  • Support Staff

June 20, 2016 at 4:39 am

If you have access to the server error logs you can view the registration for a rough date/time that the registration way approved (payment was made for example) and see if any errors are shown within the log.

40MB is rather low so its possible your site is running out of memory during the subscribe call, you would usually see any error shown if this happens buts possible not to.

I’d recommend increasing the available memory and see if this continue to happen.

You can usually do that by adding something like:

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M' );

Within your wp-config.php file, above where it has /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

For example –

More info can be found here –

Note – It depends on your host if you are able to increase the memory available to your site as some hosting providers do not allow you to alter the value set.

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