
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registrations Missing (2)

Registrations Missing (2)

Posted: November 14, 2019 at 3:55 am

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November 14, 2019 at 3:55 am

I have a PayPal report that shows participants as paying for the cycling event. Currently it shows in Event Espresso that NINE(9) people have registered. My Paypal Report from the Treasurer shows that SIXTEEN (16) people have in fact paid for one of the 4 Cycling rides we are holding. I created a seperate event for each ride we are having and I have found some names that are on the list in last years Registration report (Event we held Feb 2019) I know the website crashed and EE was blamed by TMD Hosting as the cause but how or where else can I look to find the names that are missing?

  • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by lakehume.
  • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

November 14, 2019 at 4:51 am

Hi there,

A lot more happened on your site than it simply crashing (which apparently happened when the site was migrated, correct?)

Your site was migrated from one server, meaning the database will have been exported and then imported. I mentioned this in your other thread here:

May I ask, when were these registrations made? Are they recent?

I created a seperate event for each ride we are having and I have found some names that are on the list in last years Registration report (Event we held Feb 2019)

So is it registrations from Feb 2019 that are missing?


November 15, 2019 at 2:19 am

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November 15, 2019 at 2:35 am

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  • Support Staff

November 15, 2019 at 4:38 am

Do you have other registrations mixed in around those dates that are on the site or are the missing regs all of the registrations made on those dates?

The reason I’m asking is because to move your site from one server to another your host needs to export the database from server A, into server B. Now if they exported the database on server A Oct 23rd/24th and then your new server was setup using that database then you switched servers in November it explains the missing registrations.

Why? Because your registrations are stored in the database and your host essentially took a snapshot of your database on Oct 23rd and setup a new site, you then continued to use Server A and took new registrations on that server up until the point that you switched over to Server B. Server B has you running from the Oct 24th snapshot and unless you were specifically looking for a difference or you made a change that you would have instantly noticed (like completely changing your theme, images etc) it is easily missed.

I can’t say for sure that this is what happened and I obviously wasn’t involved in any of your migration etc but we have seen the exact situation above before and the user spent a significant amount of time troubleshooting only to eventually find their host had moved them to a new server during ‘maintenance’ and they had no idea until days worth of registrations were missing.

So, because you had migration as part of the above my first recommendation is to check with your host when the database was moved from Server A to Server B, all of the registration data is stored in the database so if there is a gap between export/import and migration it explains why you can’t see the registrations.

All of the registration info is stored in the database and its all pulled into the Event Espresso -> Registrations table, so if you don’t have the registrations listed there, they are not in the database and we can’t pull that info.

The emails you’ve received for these users, is that PayPal emails or EE emails?

For screenshots you need to host the image and post it:

Or if you prefer, send the images to support[at] and we’ll take a look.


November 15, 2019 at 2:02 pm

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November 15, 2019 at 2:56 pm

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  • Support Staff

November 15, 2019 at 3:37 pm

Ok, let’s step back a second and explain what the figures are.

You didn’t include a screenshot for one of your events (the one with 6 Approved registrations) but lets use Sandy Creek for this example.

The ‘Sold’ count is the number of ‘Approved’ registrations you have.

Registrations are approved automatically if:
1. All monies owed have been paid.
2. The price on the ticket is 0.00 and the user completed the registration.
3. You ‘default registration status’ setting is set to set all registrations to Approved (looks like yours is not, and thats expected, default is ‘Pending Payment’)

The ‘Regs’ count is the total number of registrations linked to that ticket and it does NOT mean all of those registratiosn paid. EE creates registrations early and updates them as the user steps through the registration process, so that shows the total number of tickets that have been selected on the ticket selector regardless of weather or not the user completed the registration/payment.

Whilst here I’ll explain Rsvd as well, those are reserved tickets. So as an example a user selects 2 tickets on the ticket selector, those are placed in ‘reserve’ for the duration of the users session and then ‘released’ back (which should happen automatically after roughly 1 hour), you have none of those right now and that’s perfectly normal but I included them so you know what the count is for.

So on Sandy Creek you have 2 Sold ticket, so you should have either 1 or 2 payments that correspond to those tickets in PayPal.

To list registrations for a specific event, you go to Event Espresso -> Events.

Hover over the event name and then a ‘Registrations’ link will appear below it, click that.

You’ll now load a page that lists ALL of the registrations linked to that event, you should have 11 according to your screenshot, 9 will likely have a blue ‘status bar’ (the bar to the left) and have a status of ‘Pending Payment’ under the registrant name.

2 of them should have a green status bar and a status of Approved.

Find those 2 and click on the TXN Date field for each of those rows, that will take you to the EE Transaction for the registration. In that you’ll have a list of payments with a TXN ID/ CHQ# field, thats the ID from PayPal and you can use that to match up payments.

A picture paints a thousand words so here’s some screenshots to go with the above:

Event Registrations List –

TXN Date/Reg Date field –

Transaction view with payments –

Based on your screenshots you have 10 ‘Approved’ registrations, now that doesn’t mean you’ll have 10 payments as users can purchase multiple tickets at once with EE and that would show as one payment in PayPal, but that should help you marry up the above.

So if you go through each event and marry up the payment ID’s shown in EE with the PayPal Express ID’s, do you still have missing registrations?


November 15, 2019 at 3:49 pm

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November 15, 2019 at 3:59 pm

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  • Support Staff

November 15, 2019 at 4:13 pm

Tony here is the screenshot? I can’t see the 11 registrations?

If you check the filters across the top of the table, there’s 12

7 ‘normal’, 1 incomplete, 4 trashed.

Are you still able to log into legacy infrastructure your hosts support mentioned, or do only they have access to that now?


November 15, 2019 at 4:46 pm

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November 15, 2019 at 4:59 pm

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  • Support Staff

November 16, 2019 at 3:35 am

What is Normal?

Registrations that have not been trashed or incomplete.

I can account on a report as having 2 fully paid for and 100% correct Registrations.

Sorry but I’m sure what this means, can you rephrase please?

I only want that info so surely on the initial Events List page in the Dashboard I should be able to look at that and it should tell me exactly what Registrations I have.

The Event List page (Event Espresso -> Events) lists your Approved registrations, it shows 2, which are the 2 Approved registrations from the list so its showing you the registrations that are ‘Attending’ your events.

The breakdown within the event itself, (sold, rsvd, regs) etc is further information to that.

I could not care less about the Incomplete, Pending Payment, Trashed or No Contact date etc.

You may not, but others may so we have to provide a way to get that information, right?

If I do a CSV Report for registrations why then does it show me all the incomplete etc registrations.

‘Incomplete’ registrations are not included in the report, Pending Payment and Approved registrations are.

Surely we can do a report of Approved Regos without having to then mess around extracting that info from Excel?

Sure you can, from the Event Registration list table, in the filters at the top of the list you can select a registration status to show, select Approved and click filter.

Now at the bottom of the list click the ‘Filtered CSV report’ button.

You can also see a list of registration that have a specific for each event using the links in the event editor here:

Clicking any of those will show you a filtered list for the status, then just click the filters csv report button to export that.


November 16, 2019 at 2:31 pm

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November 16, 2019 at 2:37 pm

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  • Support Staff

November 18, 2019 at 4:43 am

Ok, so the site before the migration has the registrations and then after the migration, the registrations are missing.

There are only 3 reasons I can think of as to why the registrations are missing on the new site:

1. They’ve been deleted by a user (this doesn’t seem likely).

2. The old site has the database used on the day of the switch, not the day of the migration. As in then exported the database at an earlier date than what is in use on the site, this sounds unlikely from the above but its possible.

One way you should be able to check this is to compare the Registration ID’s, they auto increment in the database table so if you have a registration on the old site with ID 111 that’s the ID of the row in the database and even if that was removed the next registration use 112 and so on.

So if the old site has registrations with IDs 111,222,333 and then the new site has new registrations that are now using those ID, the registrations were never migrated over.

3. Something wasn’t migrated correctly which cause the registrations to be deleted.

EE doesn’t delete registrations unless they have no contact linked to them, so, for example, incomplete registrations (not registrations with an incomplete transaction) it will delete those after some time but as soon as a contact is asigned to the registration, the delete function no longer pulls the registrations in)

Either way, you can’t (as your host put it) sync the databases for both sites now as you have different registrations so the way to fix this will be manually add the missing registrations from the old site, into the new site.

To do that use the Event Registration list from above on the old site so you can view the registrations.

Then in another tab on the new site open up the registration list and click the ‘Add new registration’ at the top of the page.

There you can select the same tickets the user selected and input the same details, then apply a payment (again matching the details from the old site) to complete the registrations.

So in short, your manually copying the registrations from old site to new site.


November 19, 2019 at 7:23 pm

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  • Support Staff

November 20, 2019 at 2:05 am

If the registration ID’s where ‘re-used’ on the new site for other registrations, the ‘old’ version of the site your host set up, is not the version of the database they copied over to your new site.

So the ‘old’ site is the version of the site as it was when they switched over your servers, but it is not the version of the database they used for the new site, I guess they exported that days prior to the switch. That would be fine for stuff that doesn’t update very regularly like posts/pages but not for an e-commerce site with daily registrations/transactions.

Either way, I’m glad your back up and running after copying the registrations over from the old site, if you have any further questions just let us know.

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