
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration Report – Does not show Unpaid Registrations

Registration Report – Does not show Unpaid Registrations

Posted: February 2, 2024 at 2:08 pm

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February 2, 2024 at 2:08 pm

Hi! We have clients that register for our Adobe Creative Cloud classes for dates now and in the future. They do not pay always pay immediately when registering. So, when we view “Events” the non-paid show up under “Approved Registrants as “0” when in fact we have registrants! Question: Is there any way to run a report to see all Registrants–paid and unpaid? Otherwise, we have to look at each event individually which takes so much time as we schedule events/have registration months ahead. Note: we are using the Legacy Editor if that makes a difference. Any ideas on how to see this in EE5 would be much appreciated! Thank you! Christine.


  • Support Staff

February 4, 2024 at 7:51 pm

If you go to event, the click the approved registrants, then the approve registrant is the only list you can export. What you can do is go on registration, search the event so you can export all paid and unpaid list.

Let me know if this is what you’re looking for?



February 6, 2024 at 2:27 pm

Thank you for this. Is there not a way to run a report for All Events to see how many are paid and unpaid without have to go to each event individually? This takes us a long time as we have ALOT of events to have to look at one by one. Any ideas are appreciated! Thank you!


  • Support Staff

February 6, 2024 at 4:03 pm

Have you tried downloading all the data to CSV and then filtering or sorting or building a pivot table?


  • Support Staff

February 6, 2024 at 4:18 pm

How are you setting this up within Event Espresso?

They do not pay always pay immediately when registering.

This is fine, but what registration status are they then sitting at? Pending Payment?

I ask because of this:

So, when we view “Events” the non-paid show up under “Approved Registrants as “0” when in fact we have registrants!

You have registrants that are Approved but it’s not counting them as Approved?

Question: Is there any way to run a report to see all Registrants–paid and unpaid?

So you want to see registration with a Reg Status of {what}? But then have the option to also filter those to only show transactions that are incomplete, is that correct?

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