
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration page with Group Registration not working

Registration page with Group Registration not working

Posted: March 29, 2013 at 7:07 pm


March 29, 2013 at 7:07 pm

I am trying to get the group registration option working but when I set up the event I have all sorts of problems. Basically I want to set it up so that one person can register multiple teams and only have to answer a few extra questions.

First, I set up an event that has “Allow group registrations” set to Yes and “Additional Attendee Registration info?” set to “No Info Required”. I also checked a new question group under “Event Questions for Additional Attendees”. I get a blank registraion page:

Next, I set up an event that has “Allow group registrations” set to Yes and “Additional Attendee Registration info?” set to Personal Information only. I still have the new question group under “Event Questions for Additional Attendees” checked. This gives me this registration form:

As you can see at the bottom of the form I have the option Add More Attendees? (click to toggle, limit 999998) but when I click nothing happens.

Any idea on what is happening with the plugin?

Thanks, Matt


March 31, 2013 at 3:01 am


Regarding the first issue, that is strange as it should load the event regardless of those settings. I am wondering if it is theme related as the theme isnt loading all the javascript on that page.

On that note, the theme isnt loading jquery on the site at all! On the event where the attendee toggle isnt working, the only jquery loading is from a plugin and that is loading a very old version (1.4.2) where WordPress now loads 1.8.3 as default. That will be why the toggle isnt working.

You can test this by temporarily switching to a default theme such as TwentyTwelve.

I would refer to the theme developer in relation to why the jquery isnt loading.

Please let me know if the theme switch resolves the blank event.


April 2, 2013 at 9:11 pm

I removed any plugins that may have been interfering with the jquery load and updated it to load v1.9.1. I also reset all the template files to be the standard templates just in case something from the old templates was interferring. I tried to change the them back to twenty twelve but it didn’t change anything. This is actually a child theme of twenty tweleve that I am using. I updated WordPress and all the plugins (active or not). I still have the same problem.

I am trying to do this because I thought that if I could set up the group registration that it would by me some time on the session data problem I am having here: Neither of them have been resolved after trying all of the items listed above.

Any suggestions would help. My client is getting frustrated because his customers are having a lot of problems registering and this is their busy time.

Thank you,

Matt Minten


April 3, 2013 at 1:17 am


Well your udpates have resolved the blank page at least

I cant see an event with the add more toggle any more so its hard to determine the current issue.

As an aside, it is best practice to just load the WordPress version of jQuery rather than any other, it helps reduce issues as “most” developers will be working with that version.


April 3, 2013 at 5:59 pm

Sorry, the test events expired. They do still have the same problem you just couldn’t get there because they didn’t exist.


April 4, 2013 at 6:14 am

Is it possible to get your login details in order to look into this?

If so, please send them via

NOTE: login details need to be Admin level.


April 9, 2013 at 2:27 am


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

I logged in to the site and have resolved your two main issues.

1) Disappearing event. This was caused by the number in the Group registration field. You had 999999 (thats 6 nines) and it was causing a weird error. I changed ot to 99999 (5 nines) and it allowed the event to show. I would still advise you to bring this to a reasonable level, with the user really need to register a million attendees?

2) The attendee toggle. Your’e theme was loading jQuery 1.9.1. The plugin is not compatible with that yet. I changed the themes functions.php to load version 1.8.3 and it now works. As an aside I would suggest not using Google to load jQuery. WordPress comes with it already and developers (should) use that version.


April 9, 2013 at 2:51 pm

Thanks Dean! That helps a lot. I think that 999999 is the unlimited default. The reason that 999999 was there was because I left attendees blank for unlimited when creating the event. It therefore put in 6 nines instead of five. Maybe this is a default that should be changed in the next upgrade?

I have a couple other questions referring to

1. Where it says “Add More Attendees? (click to toggle, limit 9998)” can we have the green plus that shows up when adding a third, forth, etc. Attendee? This would make the link more noticeable.

2. Is there a way to choose another option for additional attendee form? Right now I have to choose no additional information, personal information or full registration information. Since we primarily register teams I wanted to just use the form that I select in the Event Questions for Additional Attendee section. We don’t want the customer to have to fill in all of their contact info again and the Personal Information form doesn’t have the Team options that we want. If you go to the event link supplied above you can see the Additional Team Info form that we want to use for all of our events.

3. Is there a way to have the Anti-Spam Measure go to the bottom of the screen when the additional form show up (instead of above the form)?


April 10, 2013 at 6:37 am


1) Well one way to do it would be to replace the text as an image. The following css will do that for you. Note you need to change the image as I just used the ical image for testing.

#additional_header {
background: url( 0 0 no-repeat;
text-indent: -999px;

#additional_header a {
display: block;

2) Well no, not really, the additional attendees need to have the Personal Info form if you are taking info from them, its just the way the plugin is designed. You can of course allocate question groups purely to the additional attendees.

3) You would need to edit the registration_page_display.php template to move the reCAPTCHA below the forms.


April 10, 2013 at 3:37 pm

So, personal info (#2 above) is OK because it is only 3 or 4 questions but I would like to add a question group from the  “Event Questions for Additional Attendee” section to this rather than having to use the full registration form. Is there a work around so I can minimize the amount of questions asked? 


  • Support Staff

April 11, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Hi there,

You can create a question group that has only the extra questions you’d like to add for additional attendees. Then check the box for the corresponding group under “Event Questions for Additional Attendees”. You’ll need to select “Full registration information” where it asks “Additional Attendee Registration info?”, but it will only draw up the personal info questions + the question groups you check below.

As an aside, it’s best to just use the version of jQuery that WordPress ships with, which is currently jQuery 1.8.3. We only test against the version that WordPress includes. Although we have recently added a few compatibility fixes for 1.9.1 in a recent update.


April 11, 2013 at 7:52 pm

Dean, I was working on the Recaptcha move and I would like it to be above the submit button but if I move that out of the form I can’t choose to remove an attendee. Is there any way to have the re-captcha form above the submit button but below the Additional Attendee form?


The problem with that is that if you look at the following form:

The Additioanl Attendee form still has all of the questions that the top one. It has only exchanged the Team Info for the Additional Team Info. Do I have to rework my Question Groups to change this so that it doesn’t ask so many questions?


April 12, 2013 at 12:12 am


I had a closer look at this and in particular the jQuery behind it. It seems that the jQuery will add the additional attendee forms to just above the submit button, so it is kind of irrelevant where you put the reCaptcha, the forms will always appear above the submit button.

You could change the jQuery but then you would be changing a core file and that is not recommended.

Regarding the additional attendee questions, you can use different Question groups for them than what you use for the Primary attendee, so yes it may be worth creating one or more new Question Groups solely for the Additional Attendees. Remember you can reuse questions so you dont need to duplicate questions.

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