
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration marked as overpaid but amount is correct?

Registration marked as overpaid but amount is correct?

Posted: October 30, 2019 at 10:35 pm

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Matt Shane

October 30, 2019 at 10:35 pm

I have a student that registered which is marked as “overpaid”.

However, the amount collected and the amount owed are identical.

Can you please assist? *see image links



  • Support Staff

October 31, 2019 at 4:40 am

Hi there,

The transaction total shows as 0.00

If you click on the ‘Reg Date’ value for that user it will take you to the EE Transaction for that registration.

On that page is a ‘Transaction Details’ section, can you add a screenshot of that section, please?

Note – I’d advise blurring your user’s emails from screenshots as they are publicly viewable.

Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 8:51 am

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  • Support Staff

October 31, 2019 at 8:58 am

That’s the registration view, can you click on ‘View Transaction’ and add that view, please.

It looks like there are no line items for the registration, so both the Registration Details show not items linked to it and the transaction I assume shows no details.

So it says the amount is 0.00 but the payment method response was a success and the registration status was approved.

A registration assigned to a transaction that has a value paid that is equal to or greater than the transaction total, will show as Approved as the registration is paid.

I’m not saying the transaction is correct, it’s obviously not, but it would be expected to be approved based on the transaction and payment amount.

It must have been correct at the time of payment (or the payment wouldn’t have worked at all) but something has updated the line items incorrectly.

We have seen this a couple of times previously and it turned out to be due to caching, do you have any caching plugins enabled on the site?

Any server-side caching enabled?

Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 9:01 am

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Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 9:02 am

yea – there is caching enabled. However, we had 4 transactions yesterday and this was the only one with an issue. the others were succuessful

Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 9:04 am

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  • Support Staff

October 31, 2019 at 9:10 am

Unfortunately, the fact that some transactions work doesn’t mean that caching is not causing issues.

It depends what they cache, when they cache it and for how long.

Do you know what type of caching it is? Page cache, Object, etc

You’ll need to make sure the EE critical pages are excluded from all caching:

Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 9:19 am

Ok sure but caching aside for a moment. I am trying to clarify what the messages mean. How can it be overpaid when the total is correct? Why does it say the payment total is $295 but the line total says 0. If anything its either not paid at all or paid in full. Then at the transaction page it shows the cart was probably abandoned. I will look at the caching issue but how do I handle this specific transaction and understand what all these notifications mean?


  • Support Staff

October 31, 2019 at 9:34 am

The user registered onto a ticket with a cost of $295.

During the registration process, EE saves ‘line items’ to the transaction. Line items are essentially a breakdown of the whole transaction.

They proceeded through the payment options on the registration, selected PayPal Express and was directed to PayPal to make a payment of $295 (which apparently they did).

They were then directed back to your site and something happened to the ‘line items’ used to build out the transaction, they have been removed from the transaction or updated incorrectly so they no longer link to the transaction. (Not expected by EE).

So, to answer each of your questions:

How can it be overpaid when the total is correct?

The total isn’t correct, its 0.00 on the transaction.

The payment is correct at 295, but the transaction total is now not correct.

So its shows overpaid because the amount owed is 0.00 and the amount paid is 295.

Why does it say the payment total is $295 but the line total says 0. If anything its either not paid at all or paid in full.

It’s paid. The payment object shows as approved, so PayPal told EE the payment was complete.

The transaction has an issue and that’s why it shows overpaid.

Having no line items isn’t normal, nor expected, so it’s showing what it can from the info available.

Then at the transaction page it shows the cart was probably abandoned.

Where does it show this? Under Transaction session details?

I will look at the caching issue but how do I handle this specific transaction and understand what all these notifications mean?

First I’d recommend confirming the payment on your PayPal account, you can do this this using the TXN ID / CHQ # value on THIS section)

It would be very odd for a payment to have been approved if it wasn’t (note I’m NOT referring to the Registration Status here, the payment has its own status HERE)

Fixing the transaction itself is going to be a little more complicated and you may need to re-create the registration in the admin and manually apply the payment to it, then cancel the above. I’ll double-check there isn’t a method to fix this without re-creating.

Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 9:38 am

Then at the transaction page it shows the cart was probably abandoned.
Where does it show this? Under Transaction session details?

Where does it show this? Under Transaction session details?

Yes – if you look at the bottom of the last image I sent there is a notification saying the cart was probably abandoned. Its in red.

So if the transaction is correct and it was processed correctly and the user wasn’t overpaid or overcharged how can I change the status on the backend from overpaid to completed? It needs to show correctly for our records.


  • Support Staff

October 31, 2019 at 9:51 am

Yes – if you look at the bottom of the last image I sent there is a notification saying the cart was probably abandoned. Its in red.

I’ve gone through all of your images and none of them shows this?
Unless I’m missing something obvious 🙂

So if the transaction is correct and it was processed correctly and the user wasn’t overpaid or overcharged how can I change the status on the backend from overpaid to completed? It needs to show correctly for our records.

As mentioned in my last reply, you may need to recreate the registration (which will create a new transaction) and manually apply the payment to that registration, I’m double-checking to see if there is another method you can use currently.

Did you confirm that the payment was correct on you PayPal account?

Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 10:14 am

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Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 10:14 am

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Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 10:18 am

On a related note to registrations. I was send a receipt from PayPal last night for a workshop payment. It has the workshop description as the line item so it had to go through the website checkout process. It wasn’t sent as an invoice through PayPal for example.

So the payment went through for the workshop but there is NO record of the registration on the website for that specific person. How could this be happening? Not sure what is going on with this stuff. This is a simple site with these events scheduler as the only thing folks can do (other than a simple contact form).

Matt Shane

October 31, 2019 at 10:28 am

This reply has been marked as private.


  • Support Staff

November 1, 2019 at 6:41 am

Not sure if this is relevant but the user who is overpaid registered under a different name than the information on their PayPal account details. I dont think that would matter as the issue is related to line items, costs and transactions but I wanted to let you know.

Yeah that doesn’t matter, PayPal sends EE details of the payment made and we simply check that the payment object we were expecting to be confirmed/paid actually was, not the PayPal details for the user that paid, so that won’t be causing this.

Yes – the payment was made in full – the timestamps of the payment, and the transaction id match. so we are good there. it was processed correctly by the gateway.

Ok, great.

The issue is the conflicting messages in EE in the transaction.

Yeah, so lets get the registration & transaction fixed.

The only way to fix the above, is to recreate the registration again. You can do that in the admin, or on the front end if preferred but I’ll walkt you through how to do it in the admin.

Go to Event Espresso -> Events -> {hover over the event this registration is for} -> Registrations.

Now you’ll see a list of registrations for this event, at the top you should see ‘Add New Registration’, click that.

You’ll now see a ticket selector similar to how you would on the front end. You’ll need to select the same tickets the user did during their registration

Select the correct tickets and click to ‘Add tickets and continue to registrant details’.

Now you may want to open up the original registration in another tab, then copy each of the registrants answers into the fields requested on the ticket selector.


– Before clicking through to the next section, UNcheck the ‘Send Related Messages?’ option. This will prevent the user from receiving the ‘Pending Payment’ emails when you add them in a second.

Click to ‘Save Registration and Continue to Details’.


From there you’ll go to the Transaction for that new registration(s), click ‘Apply Payment’.

For this step you’ll need the details from the original payment.

If you open up the original transaction in another tab and click on the icon for the original payment (see example HERE) it will load the modal with the details filled in, copy each of those sections inot the ‘new’ payment modal.

Again, make sure that before you submit the payment BOTH of the sections under ‘Send Related Messages?’ UNchecked or the user will get an email for this (See HERE)

Now that new registration will be marked approved and the new transaction will show the correct total and payment.

Next, we need to cancel the original registration(s) and/or remove them.

If you want to keep a record of this (I would), you can just set the registration to be cancelled, don’t trigger any messages when you do it. The user will then have the ‘new’ registration and this one will site cancelled.

On this page –

Set the new status to cancelled, send related messages to NO and then click update, like this example:

That will cancel the original registration and you can refer to the new one.

If you want to delete the registrations, then you can not delete registrations with payment attached to them, so we need to first delete the payment.

Edit the original, broken transaction (not the new one we just created).

This time click the icon to delete the payment (Example) another modal will show up asked what status you want to change the registration to and an option to Send related messages (again make sure that is UNCHECKED).

You can Set the registration status to ‘Leave the same’ or ‘Cancelled’, it wont matter as your not sending messages and will be deleting the registration anyway.

Next go to the registration list again, find this registration in the list, hover over the name and click the ‘Trash’ link that appears below it.

So the payment went through for the workshop but there is NO record of the registration on the website for that specific person. How could this be happening?

Again this could be down to caching, caching causes some very weird and wonderful issues with eCommerce (which EE is simply another form of).

Matt Shane

November 1, 2019 at 11:57 am

OK – we had a handful of registrations go through yesterday without an issue so this happened 1 out of 9 so I am going to handle it as a single event and not a broad site registration problem -yet. I will keep an eye on it.

I ran some tests yesterday with the hosting company and caching and I am not convinced caching is related. Also – caching is a very convenient way to just say – “not sure what’s going on, caching does strange things that are difficult to explain so we will just attribute it to that.” Caching is an important part of site performance and is used on ecomm sites. And when I have ever had a problem with caching it impacts a much larger % of users than 1/9. Its more like 25%-50%. I am not saying it isn’t a possibility but after going through investing a couple hours of testing I am not convinced it is at all related.

If you could please keep this ticket open for a little bit while I monitor the incoming registrations to make sure this issue is isolated to the single transaction that would be great.

***also seems like a TON of work to simply adjust the value of a transaction from overpaid to paid in full or complete or however EE assigns it.



  • Support Staff

November 1, 2019 at 2:25 pm

I ran some tests yesterday with the hosting company and caching and I am not convinced caching is related.

Regardless of whether or not you managed to reproduce and/or narrow this issue down to caching, it will cause you issues at some point or another with eCommerce. You simply can not cache the page/objects/queries used when each of them needs to be unique for your users, it’s exactly the opposite of how caching works.

Also – caching is a very convenient way to just say – “not sure what’s going on, caching does strange things that are difficult to explain so we will just attribute it to that.”

Well, no, that’s actually not what I’m saying. If you want more specific details I’ll happily answer if I can, I’m certainly no expert on the matter but whatever details I can give you I have no problem doing so. However, most people don’t want the nitty-gritty of it and me writing an essay on it simply to say it needs to be disabled doesn’t really help and wastes both of our time.

Do I know the exact situation that has caused this? No. Line items have been broken/wiped and if that was an issue within core we’d see this widespread across multiple sites as line items are critical (as you’ve found) and any issues with them soon becomes apparent, but we don’t see this often.

When do we see it? Usually when object caching has been enabled and the line items appear to be essentially replaced by the next visitor.

Do I know exactly how to reproduce? No. Because I haven’t gone through every form of caching to identify the specific issue to cause this.

Caching is an important part of site performance and is used on ecomm sites.

You’re right it is, but only for specific requests, the actual eCommerce queries unique to the user are not cached, they can’t be.

Unless I’ve completely missed a way to do the above, in which case if you can link me to any details I’ll happily take a look.

And when I have ever had a problem with caching it impacts a much larger % of users than 1/9. Its more like 25%-50%.

What type of caching though? Just any? Plugins that can’t be cached generally set no-cache headers (like we do) and as long as those are honoured server-side it may seem like all is good, but that’s because caching was disable for those specific requests. However now every setup follows the headers, some completely ignore them regardless (GoDaddy WordPress managed hosting is an example of that).

I am not saying it isn’t a possibility but after going through investing a couple hours of testing I am not convinced it is at all related.

If you do manage to narrow it down any further please do let me know, unfortunately, I’ve never been able to find its anything other than caching.

***also seems like a TON of work to simply adjust the value of a transaction from overpaid to paid in full or complete or however EE assigns it.

As mentioned multiple times throughout this thread, the problem is NOT simply a transaction total issue, nor is simply updating the transaction status from overpaid to complete.

The line items for that transaction have been updated incorrectly, or wiped and need to be regenerated, you would run into issues with that transaction within any part of EE that used its line items.

We don’t have the functionality to look at a transaction that has a value of X, has no relationship to a ticket, event, registration (because that all comes from line items) and simply ‘fix’ it, because it has no relationships to anything to be fixed.

That transaction showing how it does, is not normal or expected, so we don’t have a ‘better’ method to fix it.

You’d need much more work trying to regenerate them from the original transaction (if possible) which is why I recommended re-creating.

If you could please keep this ticket open for a little bit while I monitor the incoming registrations to make sure this issue is isolated to the single transaction that would be great.

Sure, we don’t close threads on the forum unless it’s been marked as resolved by the user, however, the forum will automatically close the thread if there is no activity for 2 weeks.

If that happens just open a new thread and link this one, we can then re-open it for you if needed.

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