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Registration Logged Before Confirmation

Posted: August 4, 2013 at 5:27 pm


August 4, 2013 at 5:27 pm

Event Espresso Version: 3.0.19.P.41

Existing Installation

Our registration process is a two-step process. There is a form on “page 1” which takes the user to another page where they can review and then click CONFIRM. The problem is that people are being “logged” in Event Espresso after they complete the first page (which makes sense to a certain point) however, some people don’t click CONFIRM and then they sit in our system taking up a valuable seat in a class/event.

Is there a way I can set it up so that an attendee won’t show up in the event system at all unless they click CONFIRM on “page 2”?


August 5, 2013 at 12:32 am


I would strongly suggest upgrading Event Espresso. However, that aside, if your attendees are marked as Pending or Completed by default (General Settings and also in the individual event settings) then they will take up an allotted space. IF they are marked as Incomplete, the space will not be taken up.

Attendees are always added when they hit the confirmation page in order to track failed registrations.

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