
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration Confirmation E-mails Won't Send

Registration Confirmation E-mails Won't Send

Posted: October 25, 2012 at 5:34 pm

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Justin Perry

October 25, 2012 at 5:34 pm

My reg. confirmation e-mails won’t send (see similar topic at and have tried all the same troubleshooting steps, including testing it on both a live and a test environment, with different e-mail addresses (so no spam interceptions evident), with or without custom e-mail tags, and with or without plugins deactivated.

I cannot get the default reg. confirmation message nor the per-event custom confirmation to send, with or without fancy headers enabled.

I have also tried test registrations from inside and outside our LAN, just in case it was an SMTP access issue. It makes no difference. I am stumped.

What SMTP service does EE use, anyway? How does it send e-mails?


  • Support Staff

October 25, 2012 at 6:14 pm

Hi Justin,

It uses the standard WP Mail function. So it will use what ever WordPress is set up to use to send email. One thing to double check is whether it’s set to send mail before payment is made in Event Espresso>General settings (or try testing with a free event).

We highly recommend using postmark to send transactional email, there’s a few WordPress plugins in the official WordPress plugin repository that make it a snap to set up.

There are other WordPress plugins that will let you configure WordPress to use SMTP, I’ve used this one with much success:
The WP Mail SMTP plugin

Justin Perry

October 26, 2012 at 7:43 am


Thanks for that suggestion. I did realize after reading many of the forums that EE doesn’t always do well with WP’s default PHP Mail function (particularly when, like us, one operates on an externally hosted exchange server and must use SMTP for such web apps).

Regardless, I found WP Mail SMTP plugin worked quite nicely.

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