
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Registration button refreshes

Registration button refreshes

Posted: February 10, 2025 at 2:21 pm

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February 10, 2025 at 2:21 pm

I have been told several times over the last couple weeks that when people hit the register button for an event on the website it refreshes the same page over and over again every time they hit register – I have not had that issue but it seems to be a common issue for people trying to register online lately – i did ask about the device and it ranges from tablets to phones to computers and the quantity box is appearing but they hit register and it just refreshes the page


  • Support Staff

February 10, 2025 at 4:57 pm

Hi there,

The only way I can get something similar to happen on your site is to not select a qty and hit submit, the page refreshes and no error message it shown.

I’m assuming you’ve checked with these users that they are selecting a qty?

(If you are getting multiple reports from different users I wouldn’t expect them all to have forgotten to select a qty here, but just trying to narrow this down a little)

Any caching enabled on the site?

Can is it happening on a specific event?

Whats the normal registration flow on the site? Which page do visitors normally start the registration from?


February 11, 2025 at 5:18 am

Yes I specifically asked about the quantity button – seems like more people have an issue on a mobile/tablet device but more and more report an issue with laptops/computers as well.
The normal flow would be selecting state from the drop down box on the main page – then selecting the city – then selecting view details and then register for an event of their choice

johnstown for 2/20/25 seems to be one that has several reports of issues signing up but it’s not isolated to just one event.

We have no idea what to do about cache


  • Support Staff

February 11, 2025 at 6:34 am

For mobile view, the Qty field is hidden by the default staying on the site:

So it makes sense here that people aren’t selecting a qty and are just hitting register.

Try adding these styles to the site to help with that:

@media (max-width: 640px) {
    .single-espresso_events .tkt-slctr-tbl th, 
    .single-espresso_events .tkt-slctr-tbl td {
        font-size: .9rem;
    .display-tckt-slctr-tkt-details {
        display: flex;
    .tckt-slctr-tkt-details-dv {
        padding: 0;
        margin:  0;

For desktop, I need to be able to reproduce this to help troubleshoot.

Do people usually purchase more than 1 ticket?

Do the majority of your events all just have 1 ticket type?

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