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Register page multiple languages

Posted: January 22, 2013 at 2:17 am

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January 22, 2013 at 2:17 am


Since it’s not yet possible to use multiple languages for the entire plugin i have the following question.

Our customer like to have at least the registration page multiple languages (English and Dutch). Is there a smart and easy way to do this?

The problem that I see is that all fields on the registration page are dynamicly rendered out of the settings in the back-end, how can we do this?

Thanks in advance!


January 22, 2013 at 6:15 am


If you mean having both languages on the page at the same time, one way to do it would be to edit the template fo duplictae the strings (words/phrases) but not translate them.

You would need to search the file for __( or _e( both of which prefix translatable strings.

E.g. This will show the word Description, but will be translated if the site is set up for a language other than American English.

If you were to add on to that it would show both


Or in the case of a variable

$price_label = ''.__('Choose an Option: ', 'event_espresso').'';

would become

$price_label = ''.__('Choose an Option: ', 'event_espresso').'';
$price_label = $price_label . 'Choose an Option: ';

It is by far from an ideal solution but with a little time and testing it could look OK.

An example using German

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