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Register only once for course with multiple times

Posted: January 31, 2014 at 11:12 am

Torbjorn Axelsson

January 31, 2014 at 11:12 am

We run courses with multiple dates. For example, a course can run weekly every Wednesday for 5 weeks. Our clients are only allowed to sign up for the whole course (all 5 days) before the course start date. We would still like all of the dates to be visible in the calendar. Is this possible to achieve?


  • Support Staff

January 31, 2014 at 1:07 pm

Hi Torbjorn,

If you want your attendees to register for one event, say at the beginning of a series then: 1) create each event and use the Recurring Events Manager (recommended method) to schedule the subsequent occurrence of the events, 2) then in the subsequent events in the series you can use the Alternate Registration Page ( field to point the event details pages of the subsequent events to the registration page for the first event. That will allow you to display all the other events on your calendar, but control the attendee records and registration limits by the settings of the first event. Does that make sense? Then you can also have one-off events too.

With the Multiple Event Registration addon ( you can configure individual shortcodes to add a series of events to the cart at one time.

The shortcode to add a series of events to the cart in one step looks like this:

[ESPRESSO_CART_LINK event_id=”6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19″ direct_to_cart=1 moving_to_cart=”Redirecting to cart…”]

Each number in the event_id parameter is the event id for that event (not to be confused with the “Unique Event Identifier”). The event id can be found on the Event Overview page in your dashboard.

Does that help?

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