
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Register an Unregister by invitation

Register an Unregister by invitation

Posted: December 10, 2012 at 4:04 am

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Wilbert Kuijpers

December 10, 2012 at 4:04 am

We recently set up a event for invited attendees only. We send them an email (via wysija) with an invitation link. Because we also would like then to let us know if they where not going to attend the event, we set up a second event to wich we asked them to register if they where not going to attend. We used there email address as unique identifier. They also could use the second event to unregister if they had registerd before. So we ended up with 2 lists, people who were going to attend and people who where not attending. This way we also were able to send reminder emails for poeple who didn’t react.
We where wondering if it is somehow possible to combine this feature in one event?




December 10, 2012 at 5:32 am

Hello Wilbert,

I came up with a few ways to do this, but then I thought, whats the simplest way?

Have 1 event, with a notice at the bottom that if they are not attending, stop after they see the payment details.

Then their details will be registered in the system as Incomplete and those that pay will be marked as Completed. Therefore you can tell which have merely registered their interest and which are attending.

From their you can either email the Incomplete attendees individually, or export the data to a spreadsheet remove the completed people and use that date to send a mass email via your email client.

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