
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Reg. status not moving to Complete after successful PayPal payment

Reg. status not moving to Complete after successful PayPal payment

Posted: February 8, 2013 at 3:33 pm

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Patrick Hohol

February 8, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Hi Everyone

I’m having having an issue with the paypal payment gateway and am hoping for some help. When attendees pay using paypal the payment goes through paypal but the registration status does not move to complete.

I have tried everything including:

1 – ensuring Paypal IPN is enabled and set to transactions page
2 – transactions page is public, published, contains correct shortcode
3 – transactions page is using simplified txnpage.php as template
4 – ran Event Expresso Requirements (cURL was found and passed but ‘Recommended Apache Modules’ were ‘Not Found!’)
5 – site is live, using live paypal. hosted on 1and1.

Here is what my log is showing for each failure:
[02/07/2013 11:15 PM] – Errors from IPN Validation:

Using BUILT-IN PHP curl methods
key = mc_gross
value = 0.21
key = protection_eligibility
value = Eligible
key = address_status
value = confirmed
key = item_number1
value = 
key = payer_id
key = tax
value = 0.01
key = address_street
value = #XXX, 13910 stony plain road
key = payment_date
value = 22:15:32 Feb 07, 2013 PST
key = payment_status
value = Completed
key = charset
value = windows-1252
key = address_zip
value = T1N 3F2
key = mc_shipping
value = 0.00
key = mc_handling
value = 0.00
key = first_name
value = Patrick
key = mc_fee
value = 0.21
key = address_country_code
value = CA
key = address_name
value = Patrick XXXX
key = notify_version
value = 3.7
key = custom
value = 
key = payer_status
value = verified
key = business
value =
key = address_country
value = Canada
key = num_cart_items
value = 1
key = mc_handling1
value = 0.00
key = address_city
value = xxxxx
key = verify_sign
value = AN5QqDVn.Qvgx2nc-OHljr-a9pcEAAoW6wQtwY2s3g6Z63ZJlPN564zE
key = payer_email
value =
key = mc_shipping1
value = 0.00
key = tax1
value = 0.00
key = txn_id
value = 34J03928CW000332C
key = payment_type
value = instant
key = last_name
value = xxxx
key = address_state
value = xxxx
key = item_name1
value = General Admission for Emergency First Aid. Attendee: patrick hohol
key = receiver_email
value =
key = payment_fee
value = 
key = quantity1
value = 1
key = receiver_id
value = HB6TZWM3T3NPQ
key = txn_type
value = cart
key = mc_gross_1
value = 0.20
key = mc_currency
value = CAD
key = residence_country
value = CA
key = transaction_subject
value = Shopping CartGeneral Admission for Emergency First Aid. Attendee: patrick hohol
key = payment_gross
value = 
key = ipn_track_id
value = fc1ee7bc9991
Success Setting host:
Success Setting request type to post
Success Setting post fields: mc_gross=0.21&protection_eligibility=Eligible&address_status=confirmed&item_number1=&payer_id=PZDKZPHGCRPJ4&tax=0.01&address_street=%231806%2C+13910+stony+plain+road&payment_date=22%3A15%3A32+Feb+07%2C+2013+PST&payment_status=Completed&charset=windows-1252&address_zip=T1N+3F2&mc_shipping=0.00&mc_handling=0.00&first_name=Patrick&mc_fee=0.21&address_country_code=CA&address_name=Patrick+XXXX&notify_version=3.7&custom=&payer_status=verified&
Success Setting Fain On Error
Success Setting return transfer
Success Setting Timeout
Success Setting verbose mode
Errors resulting from the execution of curl transfer: [02/07/2013 11:15 PM] - SUCCESS!
IPN POST Vars from gateway:
mc_gross=0.21, protection_eligibility=Eligible, address_status=confirmed, item_number1=, payer_id=PZDKZPHGCRPJ4, tax=0.01, address_street=#1806, 13910 stony plain road, payment_date=22:15:32 Feb 07, 2013 PST, payment_status=Completed, charset=windows-1252, address_zip=T1N 3F2, mc_shipping=0.00, mc_handling=0.00, first_name=Patrick, mc_fee=0.21, address_country_code=CA, address_name=Patrick XXX, notify_version=3.7, custom=, payer_status=verified,, address_country=Canada, num_cart_items=1, mc_handling1=0.00, address_city=xxx, verify_sign=AN5QqDVn.Qvgx2nc-OHljr-a9pcEAAoW6wQtwY2s3g6Z63ZJlPN564zE,, mc_shipping1=0.00, tax1=0.00, txn_id=34J03928CW000332C, payment_type=instant, last_name=xxx, address_state=Alberta, item_name1=General Admission for Emergency First Aid. Attendee: patrick xxx,, payment_fee=, quantity1=1, receiver_id=HB6TZWM3T3NPQ, txn_type=cart, mc_gross_1=0.20, mc_currency=CAD, residence_country=CA, transaction_subject=Shopping CartGeneral Admission for Emergency First Aid. Attendee: patrick xxx, payment_gross=, ipn_track_id=fc1ee7bc9991, 
IPN Response from gateway Server:
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 12 months ago by Patrick Hohol.


  • Support Staff

February 8, 2013 at 5:08 pm

Hi there,

Is there any tax being charged at PayPal’s end? I ask because something similar was happening on another site.

Patrick Hohol

February 8, 2013 at 5:34 pm

I turned the sales tax off in paypal, completed another test registration & payment, and was greeted by the most beautiful green check mark ‘completed’ circle I have ever seen.

After about 6 hours of troubleshooting, that did the trick.
Luckily our tax rules are easy I will use the ‘surcharge’ option found under advanced settings to charge GST – I’ve tested it already and it seems cleaner in general anyhow.

thanks josh!


February 14, 2013 at 3:06 am

Hi there, I also had this same issue. I turned off Sales Tax in PayPal and it’s working.

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