
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Recurring Events Plug-in

Recurring Events Plug-in

Posted: July 16, 2024 at 11:31 am

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July 16, 2024 at 11:31 am

We were able to get the Recurring Events plugin working on our website and beign to try and schedule events. However when we are scheduling events, it doesnt give us the option to select the date of an event when registering as a student.

We have 2 different test/fake events setup that can be viewed. We watched the videos and reviewed the documentation but arent sure what we are doing wrong.


  • Support Staff

July 16, 2024 at 12:13 pm

Hi Christine,

Can you please confirm if you can see the “Add New Date” option on the event editor page?

Or if you see the “Add New Date” option can you see the recurring popup:

Please give us some more details so that we can help you better.

Also, the above event links are not working for me can you please recheck them?


  • Support Staff

July 16, 2024 at 6:32 pm

However when we are scheduling events, it doesnt give us the option to select the date of an event when registering as a student.

We tried to check the URL you gave. On the first link, we need to be in your WP dashboard to check that.

on the second link, it seems the event is already deleted as i have no result found.

Is the problem on Event Registration as Student? or Event and ticket creation as Admin?

You can also send us screenshots or make a loom video for us.



July 17, 2024 at 7:15 am

My apologies, I didnt realize that those links werent public.

To answer Sam’s questions, yes we see the add new date, and the add recurring date option. So we are able to walk through that process.

The issue is during event registration as a prospective student. I can send screenshots, but am not seeing an option to attach them.


July 17, 2024 at 7:46 am

We discovered that a ticket needs to be created and assigned for each date which is when I realized that’s a problem because we have 3 price types.

After changing it, We realized that we would need 3 tickets for each date and saw how long the page would be since our popular classes run like 12 times a year.

So it seems like it’s not a way to select a date perse, but to purchase a a “ticket” for these dates? But if we have 3 prices and 12 dates, is there no way to make it not be a huge list?

Additionaly, we have a class schedule page that populates those dates when we post event, and they arent being pulled over, but that my be a wordpress issue and not a plugin issue.


  • Support Staff

July 17, 2024 at 1:00 pm

If you want to display only the active tickets then there is a workaround, you can use this CSS to hide the inactive dates:

.ticket-pending {
display: none;

Additionally, we have a class schedule page that populates those dates when we post event, and they arent being pulled over

Can you please share a direct link to the page so that we can check that?

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