
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Recurring Events Manager / dates in tickets name / waiting list

Recurring Events Manager / dates in tickets name / waiting list

Posted: April 30, 2024 at 1:53 am

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April 30, 2024 at 1:53 am


We are testing the
Recurring Events Manager (Version 1.0.0.p ) in EE ( Version 5.0.19.p)

– is it possible to have – automatically the date displayed in recurring tickets, to improve naming clarity when there is a large number of tickets

– its not clear to us how the wait addon (Version 1.0.4.p) should behave. When all the tickets are sold out for a certain ticket date, it does not appear for that ticket date

Does it only appear if all the -different – kind of tickets are sold out for a particular event?



  • Support Staff

April 30, 2024 at 4:18 am


– is it possible to have – automatically the date displayed in recurring tickets, to improve naming clarity when there is a large number of tickets

We don’t have that feature at the moment, the one were doing is duplicating existing template or creating a manual ticket as its template. but will send this to our tEEm for review and consideration.

– its not clear to us how the wait addon (Version 1.0.4.p) should behave. When all the tickets are sold out for a certain ticket date, it does not appear for that ticket date

Does it only appear if all the -different – kind of tickets are sold out for a particular event?

Waitlist add-on is event-based and displays the waitlist feature if the event status is sold out and waitlist spaces are available. There is no option to switch this to be ‘ticket’ based to display waitlist options for specific tickets/datetimes.



May 3, 2024 at 2:26 am


But note that in our tests the wait list is only activated (displayed) when all – recurring – events are sold out. In our opinion the wait list should be activated for each separate sold out event, (i.e. a specific event date that is sold out with a range of recurring ones)


  • Support Staff

May 3, 2024 at 4:54 am

Hi Gur,

Yes, as the waitlist functionality is based on the event status to be triggered. The REM uses date times instead, so the waitlist will only show if all of those date times are sold out.

I’ve added a note as a feature request to our developers on your behalf. If we get more similar queries then we’ll add this feature soon.

Thank you for understanding.


May 3, 2024 at 6:00 am


For our scenarios the current status of the recurring addon does not yet add any extra value.

The wait list behaviour ( as stated earlier) would help

And having the option to have tickets dates automaticaly inserted to the recurring event titles too



  • Support Staff

May 3, 2024 at 7:39 pm

Would you create a video of your request and expected output. You can use, I will include that information on Sam’s note.

We cannot give you ETA for this feature request, but will submit this to our developer for consideration.

thanks again.

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