
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Recurring Events the plugin is pretty much useless

Recurring Events the plugin is pretty much useless

Posted: August 9, 2013 at 5:18 pm

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August 9, 2013 at 5:18 pm


I am not sure what to do:

1. Is there a way to import attendees to a new event from a previous event?
There’s an event that was not created to be recurring, which we decided to do again, and I cannot find a way to find that event and change it to a new event.

2. I created an event for AUGUST 16-18 and I knew we were doing the event again in December, so I decided to add it as a recurring event for December as well. However, when I go to the event page, it only shows the December event, and so, my customer’s who wants to register for August cannot see the event being from 16-18. I don’t get what is the usage for recurring events…

3. The event page in Chrome shows fine, however in Internet Explorer it shows with no themeing, at all, no logo for my company, nothing (all other pages, non EVENTESPRESSO shows fine. I don’t understand what is up. Check it out.

4. I am so, so frustrated with this plugin, I don’t even have words to express them. I hope you can help me, because as of right now… the plugin is pretty much useless. No wonder I am having NOT ONE registration for this August’s event… people don’t see it! Today I created a new event for August’s only, but whoever register’s for it, I can’t see how to import or use the registered people for the event in December. Makes no sense to me.

  • This topic was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by hubertinc.


August 12, 2013 at 5:27 am

1) A few questions here. No there isnt a way to duplicate attendees like that. We have an add on that will move them but not copy them. Events cannot be turned from a normal event into a recurring event, you would need to create a new recurring event. Events can be duplicated though, in the event editor page in the top right is a Duplicate button.

2) Recurring events was initially designed to make it easier to create lots of copiers of the same event over a period of time. For two events using the recurring events manager might be overkill, for more it is often ideal.

For two events I would just use the duplicate button and edit the new event to change the dates.

However, just so you know, this is the process I would follow to make a recurring event over those dates:

Create an event and set the registration start date to one week prior to the event so for this example Aug 9th and end date to Aug 16th

Then set the event dates for the first event so 16th and 18th.

Select the “Is this a recurring event?” to Yes

Set the option “Create dates automatically or select manually?”. The reason we do this here is because you only have 2 dates in the recurring series and they are not regular. If you were having an event on the first of each month, or weekly on a Tuesday, setting the automatic option is recommended.

Select the No (each event’s registration start and end dates will be incremented according to a formula).

Note that you can select the other option if you prefer, but the first event will then still allow registrations until the 19th Aug (i.e. until the event ends).

Set the first events start and end dates in the boxes below and then click the green plus icon and set the next events start/end dtaes.

Add whatever else you normally would (description, prices, etc) and then pblixh. It will generate 2 events.

3) That link doesnt work, so I went to the site. The event registration looks ok to me in IE10, it looks a little worse if Compatibility mode is on but thats expected and it still looks ok. What version of IE are you using?

4) OK, so the events in Aug and Dec are linked? Is it a case of you register for Aug and you are automatically allowed to go to the Dec event or do you need to pay again for that?

If it is the latter, then the user will need to re-register for the Dec event.

If it is the former, then you can link the two events so that only one is actually used for the registration, the other is more of a placemarker than anything else.

To do that in the Dec event, add the Aug events URL to the “Alternate Registration Page (optional)” setting field in the Event Options box on the right.

I am sorry that you are frustrated with Event Espresso. It is a complicated plugin that sometimes needs time to get to grips with depending on what you are trying to do, but we are here to help, so please if you have any questions and you can’t find the answer in the documentation, just post on here and we will try and resolve it with you.


August 12, 2013 at 1:01 pm

Thank you for getting back to me!

1. The duplicate event function will keep the attendees’ info so I can use the email function to advise them of the event? I noticed that function before, but using the search function to find a past event did not show the past event. It was like it disappeared, so I had to create a New One. That’s when I finally decided to use the recurring. I honestly prefer the duplicate, as we only know the dates of the events every 6 months, but the customers are always the same and they certainly will prefer not be registering over and over again for an event. We used to send postcards as the tickets, but that’s getting expensive. If you could help me with the duplicate function, and finding past events, that would be great!!!! I believe that after I duplicate events I can just change the dates, yes?

2. Like I said… I want to try to duplicate events. I believe it will be better.

3. I fixed it. All I had to do was to disable ALL the EventEspresso plugins and turn them back on… really weird!!

4. The events are free. But the ticket is needed in order to get in.

I appreciate any help that you can give us. We don’t make money out of the plugin, so I really want to make it work before our subscription expires.

All the best!


August 13, 2013 at 5:05 am


1) No the duplicate event only duiplicates the event itself not the attendees associated with it. And yes you can modify any of the duplicated event details, including dates.

The disappearing events are likely still there but filtered. Above the event overview are some drop down, change the staus drop down and click the filter button and the event overview will change according to the status type.

I understand you ideally don’t want them to re-register. The only way I can think of doing it is to keep their details in spreadhseet form (you can export it) and use the Batch import tool to re-import the data Only caveat is that the export and import spreadsheets are different so will need to be adjusted.

2) Ok.

3) Awesome! No idea why that happened, could have been a glitch in WordPress, but glad you got it fixed.

4) Well if you are importing them, you can send a mass email with the ticket link, or if they are going to register they will get the email.


August 14, 2013 at 2:53 pm

Thanks for the reply. Hum… could you guys possibly think of making a way to make the export and import easier? We have 5 to 6 events on the same location with the same attendees per year. Having to have to do this for every event, 5 to 6 times a year, for 8 to 12 different locations, that’s almost 70 times a year… it will be really troublesome. Or event better, make an option when duplicating events, to bring the customer’s information. This would absolutely take not much time for your programmers to do, and I am sure would help many non-profit organizations events, or free events, etc. PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT!

So if we do duplicate the event, the dates can be changed, correct?

Anyway, I just could not get the recurring events. It will only show the later event in the page, and not the previous event, even if the event is still going to happen. But if the changes I suggested above could be done, then I would no longer need to understand that! lol

Sidney Harrell

August 14, 2013 at 10:32 pm

Yes, you can change the dates on duplicated events.
I don’t know if it will help, but you can try the development version of the attendee mover tool, which has a newly added attendee cloning feature, that will let you copy attendees from one event to another. You can download it here.

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