
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Recommendations on Manager > Messages view

Recommendations on Manager > Messages view

Posted: March 15, 2015 at 5:12 pm


March 15, 2015 at 5:12 pm

I’ve been developing plugins for WP etc for some time and have some recommendations for your Manager > Messages view.

1. If I use an unpermitted short code in the “Body” field for example, when I submit it will alert me that that shortcode is not permitted in that field but at the same time, it will also dump the content I had entered into the body, forcing me to reenter it. You should hold it until the problem is fixed and the content is ready to submit. I didn’t know the content would be dumped if there was an error and had to retype it a few times which was frustrating.

2. The panel on the right that lists your short codes. I found myself having to scroll up and down and awful lot when building messages. I would recommend one side container that holds the short codes. I would recommend that you be able to check a checkbox to float it on the right hand side so it sticks with you as you scroll. Make it 100% height and allow it to scroll internally if needed. Also use javascript to update the list to only those codes which are applicable for the field that was most recently in focus.

3. Why the restrictions with shortcodes? I don’t understand why you can’t just make all codes available in all fields. Why can’t I, for example, put the event name in the subject of the email? It seems like more work to have programmed in the restrictions than if you just looped through the same array to do replacements on all the fields.


  • Support Staff

March 25, 2015 at 8:31 am

Thanks for taking the time to leave this valuable feedback. I’ve registered your suggestion and we will keep it in mind for future features and updates!

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