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Recent event appears in past events

Posted: February 11, 2015 at 3:29 am


February 11, 2015 at 3:29 am

EE 4.6.4.p

Any ideas why an upcoming event would appear in a list of past events with the following shortcode?
[ESPRESSO_EVENTS show_expired=”true” title=”Recent Events” limit=”3″ order_by=”end_date” sort=”desc”]



  • Support Staff

February 11, 2015 at 4:45 am

Hi Donal,

That shortcode does not display expired_events specifically.

The show_expired=”true” tells Event Espresso to also list expired events within that shortcode as by default expired events should not appear on the list.

Currently we do not have a ‘past events’ shortcode that will only display previous events. You could set up a category for past events, then call that category using something like this:

[ESPRESSO_EVENTS show_expired=”true” category_slug=”past-events-category-slug”]

However you would then need to assign those past events to that category.

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