
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Quickbook Merchant Accourt Set Up

Quickbook Merchant Accourt Set Up

Posted: December 2, 2022 at 9:42 am

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December 2, 2022 at 9:42 am

All Links are broken and I am unable to get a Connection Token


  • Support Staff

December 2, 2022 at 11:44 am

Hi there,

We have received your support token request for this.

However, I did some digging into this and it looks like Quickbooks has now removed the integration method we used with the EE3 Quickbooks integration, the payment gateway for EE3 would need to be completely rewritten for the new method.

EE3 is now considered our legacy product and all development time is spent working on EE4 so we don’t have any current plans to rewrite the EE3 payment method. As EE4 also has a QuickBooks payment method we would recommend switching over to EE4 and using the QuickBooks payment method within that.

Is there something preventing you from using EE4?


December 5, 2022 at 6:47 pm

I have done some preliminary research about upgrading to EE4 but was concerned that I would lose all the data currently on my online calendar. I offer classes and folks have registered for many in the New year. Would this be an issue if I upgraded?


  • Support Staff

December 6, 2022 at 4:11 am

There are migration scripts built into EE4 which will detect if you have EE3 data and offer to migrate it over to EE4 when you first install, so you shouldn’t lose any data.

However, due to the vast number of ways people use EE3 we can’t guarantee 100% that all data will be imported, if you’ve has custom work done or have used EE3 in a different way than it was originally intended to be used not all data may migrate as expect (generally it’s fine but I’m adding the above for transparency).

What I would recommend doing to confirm is create a development copy of your current live site and you do that locally or on a subdomain of the current site but just makes sure it’s a full copy/clone of what you have currently. Install EE4 on that site and activate, then run through the migration steps there and confirm your future events worked as expected on there. If so, you can then install EE4 on the live site and run the migrations knowing they should pull all of your expected data.

In either case as long as you create a database backup before you start you can always revert back to that backup if you run into any issues with the migrations.

Side note EE4 does not currently support recurring events incase you are using those within EE3.

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