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Questions on registering multiple attendees

Posted: March 18, 2013 at 6:48 pm


March 18, 2013 at 6:48 pm

Hey guys,

I have a few questions that came up after a few coworkers played around with our test site when it comes to signing up multiple attendees for one event using when the event registration page (not through the shopping cart).

1) Is there a way to put the ‘copy from above’ feature that you can use when inputting the information for multiple attendees in the cart system, into the normal registration system?

2) They were also wondering if there was a way to hide the registration details form/fields (on the event pages) and use a register button that when clicked would drop down and show the registration detail fields. We are using add to cart button in our event descriptions, so it’d make it a bit more user friendly. I’m sure it is possible, I’m just curious as to how complicated you think it would be to accomplish since I am not overly savvy in php/js.

3) Once you fill out the attendee details and hit submit on the initial registration page, it takes you to the confirm registration page. I like the idea of the confirmation page (I know you can hide/skip that step), but when you are registering more than one attendee it has that second box that shows the details for only the first attendee. Is it possible to display the details for every attendee that is being signed up at that time?

Thanks for the help!


March 19, 2013 at 6:42 am

Hi Yolande,

1) I don’t think there is an easy way to port it, however some fairly basic jQuery could recreate that.

2) As above jQuery is your best friend here, to show/hide the forms.

3) Hmm, well you could edit the confirmation display to show them. Here is an (imperfect) example. It shows the additional attendees but wont show their question answers (you would have to hard code that in).


March 19, 2013 at 5:47 pm

Thanks for the input dean! I’ve got a question on your response to #3. I found the code you added and copied this code from a section above it and then altered it some to display a different field:


To test out adding another row to the template. It displays how it should, but no data shows up for the question field I was trying to grab (Company), so I’d have to imagine something is wrong in my echo $x_attendee[‘Company’]; section? If that basic code is right, what text needs to go inside the brackets and single quotes to grab the details from the other questions in the form? I tried using the question’s name above to no avail. Or if it is completely wrong, what code do I need to use to get it working?

And for question #2, I’m assuming that registration_page_display is where the jquery magic will need to happen to hide the form? I have a few coworkers who are more experienced in php/js/jquery that I can reach out to for some help there, I just want to make sure I’ve got the correct template first.

Thanks again!


March 20, 2013 at 5:29 am

Hi Yolande,

Yes looking at this the question data for the additional attendees questions is not pulled over, you would need to modify it further and probably do an SQL query to get that data.

And for question #2, I’m assuming that registration_page_display is where the jquery magic

That page yes, though they may need to look at registration_page.php too as the two files work together (register_page feeds register_page_display with data)


March 20, 2013 at 6:31 pm

Thanks again. I worked with a coworker today who has experience with javascript/jquery and we got the registration form to dropdown via a button click. He isn’t too familiar with WP so I’m curious to see if the process we used to get the jquery working is how you would recommend doing it. We created our own blahblah.js file with the code we needed to use and uploaded it into EE’s content/plugins/event-espresso/scripts folder. We put this line of code into the header.php theme file to reference the .js file:

And then made the changes we needed in the registration_page_display.php to add a button that would display the form when clicked. Any suggestions on this process/where we are storing the .js files/etc? If we update EE will that .js file we made get deleted in the scripts folder? I’m not too familiar with where the js files should be stored so I just threw it in with the EE ones.

Thanks again!


March 21, 2013 at 1:03 am


I would be more inclined to add the script to the uploads/espresso folder as any additional files in EE plugin directory will get deleted on update!

Also with the theme, keep a note/copy of the header file elsewhere as the same will happen with that, the header.php will get over written on update.

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