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Questions (4)

Posted: July 15, 2014 at 5:46 am

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Jeroen Bakker

July 15, 2014 at 5:46 am

I’ve bought the EE4 license just to check features of the plugin. Before I proceed I want to ask you if the plugin can work for the following:
I am going to make a website for a university department which offers all kinds of courses, lessons, but also course material. My questions:
-I know I can add fields to every event, but is it also possible in the event overview to have filters for these extra fields. And how do I make these filters?
-On the website it should be possible for users to add lesson information and upload lesson information documents (without dates/times). This category lessons should also appear in the filters. is that possible, and how?

I hope you can help me out, because I have been searching for a good plugin for this for quite a long time.

Then a bug: in the EE4 plugin there is no general setting for date/time, and it does not take the general wordpress settings.
From the translation in dutch a lot is missing. I have a master in English and am fluent in Dutch, maybe I can help in exchange for…


  • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Jeroen Bakker.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


July 15, 2014 at 6:36 am


-I know I can add fields to every event, but is it also possible in the event overview to have filters for these extra fields. And how do I make these filters?

If you mean the actual overview table then the answer is no, at least not without customisation.

-On the website it should be possible for users to add lesson information and upload lesson information documents (without dates/times). This category lessons should also appear in the filters. is that possible, and how?

We do not have an upload feature at this time, but the users can of course use the questions to add in additional information.

in the EE4 plugin there is no general setting for date/time, and it does not take the general wordpress settings.

The plugin should take WP settings, but there are some formats it wont allow –

From the translation in dutch a lot is missing. I have a master in English and am fluent in Dutch, maybe I can help in exchange for…

You can apply to be a translator via the form at the bottom of this page

Jeroen Bakker

July 16, 2014 at 10:20 am

Thanks for your quick reply.
-What I mean is selections as for example you have now on top of the calendar on your demo site, so I also have different drop downs to choose from. The result is a list of events.
-But a user can add an event on the website right? Would it be possible to ad an upload to this?
Is it possible to customise these things for my project, and could you give me a quotation for this?

Thanks a lot.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

July 16, 2014 at 11:59 am


The legend (buttons) and dropdown support event venues and event categories:

Front-end event creation is not currently supported in EE4. You would need to login to the WordPress admin to create and edit events.

If you need these features for your project, then please check with a developer here:


Jeroen Bakker

July 18, 2014 at 4:40 am

Thanks so far. I have a problem choosing between EE3 and EE4, can I also upgrade EE3 to EE4 and have features of both?
For example, I do have events without tickets (only registration), this feature is only supported in EE4. Then, the possibility to have automatic event posts gives me the possiblity to use these posts for my extended filters, but this feature is only used in EE3. Also mailchimp integration is only featured in EE3 (as an Add-on).
I have the idea that your main focus is now on EE4, is there a way to have EE3 have events without tickets? Then I could possibly start with EE3 and then migrate to EE4 (which I already bought) at the moment when is has integrated the ticketless event option.
EE4 seems to have much more features, but I also need some features from EE3

Jeroen Bakker

July 18, 2014 at 5:38 am

I forgot to say that I also have events which do not require registration (but might in the future), or require a registration on external url (link)
Is this also accounted for (in both EE3 and/or EE4?)


July 18, 2014 at 6:23 am


I do have events without tickets (only registration), this feature is only supported in EE4.

is there a way to have EE3 have events without tickets?

Unfortunately this is not possible in EE3.

Then, the possibility to have automatic event posts gives me the possiblity to use these posts for my extended filters, but this feature is only used in EE3.

Well, in EE4 the events are already posts: custom post types. There is a code snippet here that can be used to add events into a normal blog roll.

Also mailchimp integration is only featured in EE3 (as an Add-on).

We are currently working on this for EE4. I can’t give a timescale, but hopefully sooner rather than later.

I also have events which do not require registration (but might in the future)

EE3 can of course handle this by turning off the registration form.

In EE4, this feature isn’t available currently. There are ways to expire and close the event but I don’t think they would be suitable as the event wouldn’t be closed.

Jeroen Bakker

July 20, 2014 at 2:08 pm

Hi Dean, thanks for that.
I have been testing ticketless events in EE4, if I select ‘No’ from the Display Ticket Selector, then I do not see any tickets, but also there is no registration link (button)…
How can I only see registration link? (without tickets)


  • Support Staff

July 21, 2014 at 7:31 am

Hi Jeroen,

‘Ticketless events’ are basically events that do not require online registration.

So for example say you are hosting a ‘fun day’ event, you do not wish for users to purchase tickets online (they can do so on arrival if required) and require no pre-registration for the event, you just want to advertise it on the site.

This setting allows you to list the event on the event listings & calendar with no requirement for registrations.

If you could explain a little further as to how you are expecting the registration process to work we may have an option that will suit your needs.

Jeroen Bakker

July 21, 2014 at 9:36 am

Hi Tony,
Really interested in your option. The situation is like this:
I have
1. Activities which require no registration (and also have no date/time, they happened in the past, but are listed)
2. Activities which require only registration (no tickets, no date/time)
3. Activities with a date and time and registration (tickets maybe in the future).

I am really trying to find a solution/plugin for this, do you have any idea in the case I cannot manage this with coffee events..?

Jeroen Bakker

July 21, 2014 at 9:49 am

sorry, I meant Event espresso of course 😉

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

July 21, 2014 at 12:04 pm

Hi Jeroen,

An attendees name and email is needed to complete a registration and update the registration counter on the event. This is important for events that have a limited amount of availability — for example, a total of 10 attendees/registrants.

For open or ongoing events, we recommend setting the datetime to run until the end of the year. Then you can add a note in the event description, that the event repeats multiple times.

If you are offering free events, then you can adjust the ticket selector to show free for the pricing instead of zero:


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