
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Question re EE premium support

Question re EE premium support

Posted: July 9, 2015 at 6:43 am

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Couples In Step

July 9, 2015 at 6:43 am

I want to know what EE premium support can do. I am far from being a word press/coding/plugin geek. I am not illiterate. I’ve found in these forums a few solutions suggesting to go into EE deeper than I am comfortable with. So I think I will pay for an EE support ticket… However I don’t want to pay for EE help only to be told that I need custom development by one of the really high end folks I’ve read about…(at which point I’ll figure out how to make do) My question: Since these “deeper stuff” suggestions appear in these forums, is it safe to assume that an EE premium support ticket can probably help?

  • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Tony. Reason: Moved from community forum


  • Support Staff

July 10, 2015 at 7:55 am

Hi Irene,

The community forums are intended for members to discuss solutions with each other, we (support) focus on the premium forums. You will often find longer response times when posting here (I found your post whilst looking through your others, which led me her)

So, I’ll move this thread to our premium forums as it is directed to support 🙂

With Premium Support Tokens, in a nutshell we will provide support for issues. Plugin/Gateway setup, EE installs, Theme/Plugin conflicts (although this depends highly on what the issue is, we will not re-write a theme/plugin to work around a conflict, but if we can provide a workaround, we will) basically if you have problems with Event Espresso’s current functionality we will try to help.

Themes and plugins often do some weird and wonderful things to get what they want, if they don’t follow WP standards it can become a real mess. So we try to evaluate how much of an issue there will be with the plugin/theme and if we can provide a reliable workaround.

We do not provide custom development via support tokens. For example if you contacted us and purchased a support tokens requesting we set up Event Espresso to have custom questions available per ticket (rather than per event) its not something we could provide.

Its hard to give a definitive answer with clear guidelines because of the vast amount of options available for users (Themes, Plugins and the various options within those that may or may not cause further problems). As a general rule if its an issue with EE or current functionality we can usually provide help, if it’s custom development its likely not something we can provide through support tokens.

It may be better to post up what you are looking to achieve and we can advise from there on the best action to take.

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