
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Question Groups Not Populating on Registration Page

Question Groups Not Populating on Registration Page

Posted: November 15, 2012 at 5:08 pm

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November 15, 2012 at 5:08 pm

Have EE v. 3.1.14.P Had it for a while, and did all the upgrades.

Have used Question Groups before so I know how to use them, and they worked fine. As I said, I’ve had EE for a while, and know how to use Question Group and Custom Groups properly.

Tried to create new Question Groups today, as well as, a few new Custom Questions. Neither were populating on the new events. Any old events with Questions Groups or Custom Questions seem fine. So tried to stick to old Questions.

But if go into that old event and hit update (WITHOUT MAKING ANY CHANGES to the event at all), all of a sudden, the OLD Questions Groups and OLD Custom Groups go away on the registration page, even though I didn’t do anything to the old questions or the event.

I don’t know it’s happening all of a sudden. Worked fine till today. No updates as far as I can tell.

Any idea how to fix. Need this working again. PRONTO.


November 15, 2012 at 5:10 pm

Oh, one other the thing, the required form seems fine. That’s actually the only thing that is showing up properly on the registration page. I’m reluctant to do anything to it since it’s working. Rather have that than nothing.

But still need these Questions Groups and Customer Questions, both old and new, to work.

Jonathan Wilson

November 15, 2012 at 5:47 pm


I understand that you said you are familiar with working with Questions and Question groups. Please don’t take my troubleshooting steps as an insult to you. I want to make sure we cover everything.

Did you make sure the questions were attached to the appropriate groups?
Are the question groups selected in the events?
When you say the disappeared, did you check to see if they are still in the the Question and Question group setup?


November 15, 2012 at 11:03 pm

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the quick response. The answer to all your questions are YES.

I think I finally figured it out. I was running on v3.1.14.P

I noticed that you had a new version v available. For some reason WordPress didn’t provide that new version. I only happen to see it in this forum.

I uploaded the new version, installed the key, and viola, everything seems to be working. I had a to make some adjustment to the new format, but gotta say, love the design of the registration form.

Still not sure what caused the problem with the old version, but hey, at least it’s working again 🙂

Thanks again for you help.


November 16, 2012 at 12:40 am

Glad you got it sorted. In the old versions we didnt have the one click updates or notifications, you will find that they will appear now when an update is available.

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