
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Question About Registrations

Question About Registrations

Posted: February 3, 2024 at 10:37 am

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February 3, 2024 at 10:37 am

Hey Guys!

We ran into a situation where we had a ticket for an event limited to 2 tickets.

However, we had three registrations come through.

The timeline was: 1 person registered and paid, 1 person registered and did NOT pay, then 1 more person was able to register and pay.

It looks as though it let the 3rd person register because the 2nd person had not paid.

Is there a way we can edit things so if someone registers and does not pay it still counts as a registration and does not allow the 3rd person to register? In those situations we have the non-paid registration pay in person on the day of the event.

Thanks so much!


  • Support Staff

February 4, 2024 at 6:48 pm

Do you mean, you don’t need to have waitlist? instead you want it to be approved so it will mark as sold-out? Did you have waitlist plugin installed? and did you set waitlist for that event?

The solution is to change the ‘Default Registration Status’ on the event to ‘Approved’. That way, any registrations that complete all of the steps will be approved and apply to the sold values, this is the option you need to change:

You’ll then be able to tell if a registration has actually paid by the ‘Transaction status’, when you apply the bank payment in the admin it will update the transaction status to Complete, unpaid will remain ‘Incomplete’.

In the registration, you can also see this, check the color and look on the legend bellow.


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