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QR code and App

Posted: August 2, 2012 at 1:28 am

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August 2, 2012 at 1:28 am

Hey guys.

I have added Ticketing to my events and downloaded the app on my iPhone.

I got the ticket and QR code printed out but cant seem to login with the app, few questions:

1) Is ‘event espresso ednpoint’ the WordPress admin login url?
2) after entring the URL, name and password, I got a message that said:
“XML-RPC services are disabled on this site. An admin user can enable them at wp-admin/options-writing.php”

How do I fix this?
If I change writing permissions, does it affect the security or put my site at risk?


August 2, 2012 at 2:17 am

Ok so I have managed to enable XML-RPC services and login with the app….just one last issue: The app is not showing events for “today” but is does show events for “upcoming” and “past”.

I have attached screen shots from my phone.

How do I get “todays” events on the app?

View today:enter image description here

upcoming: enter image description here


  • Support Staff

August 2, 2012 at 11:25 am

This is a known issue and we have an open ticket to fix this. If the event is one day, it will display in the past events section. If the event stretches over a period of days that includes today, then it will display under today’s events.

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