
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Promotional Code field not showing

Promotional Code field not showing

Posted: December 2, 2024 at 9:19 am

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December 2, 2024 at 9:19 am

On the Registration Checkout page, the promotional code field is not displaying. All optimisations have been disabled for this page, so that there are no weird Javascript errors. The Javascript for EE Promotions is loading according to the console, but there is no field displayed on the form for a code to be entered before payment. Similarly, the image for Stripe credit card checkout is also not displayed.

Installed EE plugins:

Event Espresso Version 5.0.31.p
Event Espresso – Attendee Mover (EE4.9.13+) Version 1.0.7.p
Event Espresso – MER – Multi Event Registration (EE 4.7.0+) Version 2.0.20.p
Event Espresso – Promotions (EE 4.9.10+) Version 1.0.17.p
Event Espresso – WordPress User Integration Version 2.1.3.p
Event Espresso Payment Method – Stripe Integration Version 1.1.14.p


  • Support Staff

December 3, 2024 at 6:20 am

Hi there,

The promotions field is loaded via PHP and it will only show when there are promotions that apply to the events within the current cart.

How do you currently have your promotions set up? Are the set up as global promotions applying to all events or individual events selected within each promotion?

Similarly, the image for Stripe credit card checkout is also not displayed.

You have some CSS hiding the default Stripe image and loading your own from the theme within your themes styles:

Rather than hiding the original loading another to display, you can just set a custom image on the Stripe payment method.

Event Espresso -> Payment Methods -> Stripe -> Button URL

Select the custom image you want to use for that button and save.

Then remove your custom CSS from the theme.


December 4, 2024 at 2:56 am

Thanks for the pointer.

We’ve removed the offending code and everything is back to normal.


  • Support Staff

December 4, 2024 at 3:04 am

Awesome, I’m glad its working.

May I ask what the issue with promotions was?


December 5, 2024 at 3:29 am

It was probably due to code that was used at the time the site was built and launched. Event Espresso has clearly moved on since then, rendering that code incompatible with the updates, so removing it has helped restore normal appearance and functionality. Both the promotion code field and the image were being hidden from view or distorted and removing the code from the CSS has helped put things back to normal.

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