
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Problems with SIM

Problems with SIM

Posted: February 5, 2014 at 1:55 pm

Joseph Mullen

February 5, 2014 at 1:55 pm

I followed the directions given in the Relay Response area info bubble and it’s still not working, I’m getting the same weird transaction success page that was there before. When I do a test transaction I’m being taken to some weird page ( that’s pulling a few random elements from our site (some un-stylized social links and a partial menu) and then lists the successful transaction.

When I talked to support they said the issue was on the Event Espresso side and that it was something “setup via the value: x_receipt_page that still uses our secure server.” That “Within your website script, there is a value that is controlling where the receipt page is being directed. This is looking to be controlled/setup by your shopping cart.”

Very simply, I just want to process the transaction and then return it to the thank you page on our site that it’s supposed to go to.

Sidney Harrell

February 5, 2014 at 2:22 pm

The relay response url should be the thank-you page of your site. The servers will then pull that page from your server and display it to the user from the server. That’s why the address in the browser reads That’s the way that SIM works and there isn’t much we can do about that. What usually ends up happening, though, is that the browser will refuse to use scripts and styles as external resources that are trying to use http instead of https. If you have an ssl cert set up on your site, then you can use the ‘Force https on return’ option in the EE->payment settings->authnet SIM settings, to get the scripts and styles to load with https. If you don’t have an ssl cert, then you can put as much of the scripts and styles as you need to inline on the thank-you page using a custom theme template file.

Joseph Mullen

February 5, 2014 at 2:40 pm

Let me make sure I understand the process here. takes the thank you page from the site (we’re using the default one that came with Event Espresso) grabs just everything in the main code (no references js or css files) and then throws their receipt info onto it as well?

So you’re suggesting creating a canned plain html page with simple info on it for it to pull from and assigning that as the return page within Event Espresso (on the General Settings page)?

Joseph Mullen

February 5, 2014 at 3:08 pm

Or is the Payment Overview area laid in by Event Espresso via the [ESPRESSO_PAYMENTS] tag? (Trying to figure out what that tag causes vs. what’s done on


February 6, 2014 at 1:22 am

Hi Joseph,

Basically Authorize “copies” the thank you page and displays it on their website. Because it is using HTTPS the css/js wont load automatically as they are deemed insecure.

What Sidney suggested was to make a basic Page Template for your theme with inline styles and attach it to the Thank you page –

Because the styles will be inline, it doesn’t matter if the stylesheet fails to load as they styles are embedded in the HTML.

The Payment Overview is indeed added by Event Espresso.

Joseph Mullen

February 6, 2014 at 11:40 am

Thanks, moved all the CSS directly on the page with a script tag and everything looks fine now.

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