
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Problems adding a 2-day event

Problems adding a 2-day event

Posted: May 22, 2023 at 3:07 pm

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May 22, 2023 at 3:07 pm

We are looking for the way to add a two-day event from 9 am – 12 pm each day with only one registration required. We repeatedly get the error below to update the assignment, but there is no way to assign a ticket when adding the date. We’re tried different browsers just in case that was causing a problem, but that didn’t fix it.

The error is: Please Update Assignments – Event Dates must always have at least one Ticket assigned to them but one or more of the Event Dates below does not have any. Please correct the assignments for the highlighted cells.

Below that it listed the name of the event we’re working on.

Thank you


  • Support Staff

May 22, 2023 at 3:18 pm

You will want to create two datetimes, one for each day, with just one ticket that has access to both tickets.


May 23, 2023 at 10:54 am

Understood, but after I enter the second date and click save and assign tickets, that is when I get the error. There isn’t an option to assign a ticket to the second date, or I’m doing something wrong and I don’t know what.


  • Support Staff

May 23, 2023 at 11:05 am

When a new event is created, you will have one datetime and one ticket created. You simply create a second date, and make sure that when you assign dates, you choose the existing ticket.


June 1, 2023 at 9:55 am

Hi Again,

The ticket management system isn’t working for us, but I sure wish it was!

It seems okay when it’s one event, one date, and one ticket, but if not, the system for us is haywire. In two different scenarios, when trying to add a second date without a registration form, and again when when trying to add a discount ticket to an event, I run into errors when attempting to assign tickets.

I am trying to add an event that spans two days from 9 am – noon with one registration. At first, both of the days showed up on the calendar with the option to register. When I attempted to remove a ticket from a date, it deleted all the tickets and now no one can register because it says all ticket sales have ended. When I attempt to create a new ticket for the event and click on the Save and Assign Dates button, I get a garbled box on the screen and the error says something like I need to assign a date. The links to toggle or select dates do not work.

Please advise. Thanks!


June 1, 2023 at 10:03 am

ps I have attempted to assign the tickets to the date and submit repeatedly, and the indicator in the lower right part of the screen says the ticket has been updated. However, when viewing the event, the error on the screen says:

“We’re sorry, but all ticket sales have ended.
Note to Event Admin:
No tickets were found for this event. This effectively turns off ticket sales. Please ensure that at least one ticket is available for if you want people to be able to register.(click to edit this event)”


  • Support Staff

June 1, 2023 at 2:07 pm

Are you using the Advanced editor or Legacy? Go to Event Espresso -> Events -> Default Settings (tab). If you’re using the new editor be sure you’re able to see alt the dates and tickets by removing the filters.

Set “Activate Advanced Editor?” to Advanced Editor and save.

Does the event go continuously for 27 hours, or does it start and end each day? You’ll want to create two datetimes with one ticket. That way people can purchase one ticket and be registered for both days.


June 2, 2023 at 9:53 am

It’s the advanced editor, and it’s wonky. The event does not run continuous for 27 hours. I understand what you are saying about creating two date times and one ticket, but the ticket management is not working. That’s what I’m trying to resolve. I ran into the same issues when trying to add a discounted ticket price. I have a lot of screen shots, but I don’t see a place to upload on the support forum.


  • Support Staff

June 2, 2023 at 11:21 am

For screenshots you need to host the image and post a link:

Our send them to

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