
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Problem with paying by credit card

Problem with paying by credit card

Posted: July 11, 2013 at 9:32 am

Maryland Association of School Librarians

July 11, 2013 at 9:32 am


I have a Paypal Business account that I’m using for event registration. Two options show for payment: Paypal and credit card. Paypal is working fine but when I use the Credit Card icon for payment I received this error message in return:

Attention: Your transaction was declined for the following reason(s):
Error Code: 10002
Short Message: Authentication/Authorization Failed
Short Message: You do not have permissions to make this API call
Severity Code: Error

Any clues?




  • Support Staff

July 11, 2013 at 9:55 am

Hi Melissa,

It sounds like you might have the PayPal Pro option activated. This actually requires a PayPal Pro account upgrade for your PayPal account which they do charge a monthly fee for. People can still pay using a credit card when you use the standard PayPal option. You can disable the PayPal Pro option for now and leave the standard PayPal option activated. If you would prefer to have pay by credit card option on your website via PayPal Pro you can upgrade your PayPal account to include PayPal Pro and they’ll give you the API credentials they require to use it.

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