
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Problem with failed payment messages

Problem with failed payment messages

Posted: December 9, 2016 at 5:12 pm

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Ted Harty

December 9, 2016 at 5:12 pm

I recently switched from event expresso 3 to 4.

Doing some testing and have some issues I need some help with.

I created a test event and registered with a incorrect Credit card number.

I’m getting 2 emails. One email is the custom failed payment message I created.

The second one is as follows.

Hello, Ted Harty:

Your payment FAILED for the following transaction and ticket purchases:

Payment Details:

Payment Status: Incomplete
Transaction ID: 1293
Total Cost: $1.00 (USD)
Payment Method: Invoice
Payment Amount: $1.00 (USD)
Amount Due: $1.00 (USD)
Please retry your payment, or choose an alternate payment method to reserve your space.

Event: Test event do not sign up for

Ticket Name: Course Fees ( Boat fees will be invoiced after class via email)
Price: $1.00 (USD)
Quantity Purchased: 1

Why is the second email being generated. On the event, I have it set to send the customer the custom failed payment email.

I thought that the second email was the standard Event Expresso payment fail message, but I’ve edited the standard fail message for testing purposes, and I can see that the second email is not the standard payment failure message.

So why am I getting 2 failed payment messages, I only want to get the custom one.

Also what is the difference between failed payment and decline payment?

Thanks for any input!

Ted Harty

December 10, 2016 at 8:33 am

I have one other question. Event expresso is using my old address when I look at the registration confirmation. I’ve updated the address in the general setting for event expresso but its still happening. I’m guessing its because the old address is associated with the shortcode for business address. How can I change the value of a given short code? Never figured out how to do that.


  • Support Staff

December 12, 2016 at 5:47 am

Hi Ted,

Which payment method are you using?

Can you link us to the event so we can view this?

Event expresso is using my old address when I look at the registration confirmation. I’ve updated the address in the general setting for event expresso but its still happening.

I think you mean the address shown within the Confirmation Receipt/Invoice?

If so you may have values set within the Invoice payment method which will override ‘General Settings’.

If you go to Event Espresso -> Payment methods -> Invoice

Do you have anything set within the ‘Payee Address’ field?

Ted Harty

December 12, 2016 at 10:34 am

I’m using for payment as only method, not using invoice.

Link to event is

After you successfully register there is a button that says view full order confirmation receipt. When I click on that, that is where I see the incorrect address. The address is correct in the event expresso general settings.
There is also the following error message at the very top

Warning: getimagesize(/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/immersion-logo-300×237.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dilanh5/public_html/immersion/wp-content/plugins/event-espresso-core-reg/core/libraries/shortcodes/EE_Transaction_Shortcodes.lib.php on line 340


  • Support Staff

December 12, 2016 at 10:40 am

When I click on that, that is where I see the incorrect address. The address is correct in the event expresso general settings.

Check the Payee address within the Invoice payment method for the old address. It doesn’t matter if you are not using it, the settings within the Invoice PM are used to generate the Invoice/Receipt details, if they are not set there then General Settings will be used.

So go to Event Espresso -> Payment methods -> Invoice.
(If its not activated, temporarily activate it)

Warning: getimagesize(/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/immersion-logo-300×237.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

That usually means allow_url_fopen has been disabled on your server, can you check with your host to confirm?

If it has you’ll need that to be enabled on your site.

Ted Harty

December 12, 2016 at 12:10 pm

Thanks that fixed the wrong address being listed.

I’m still having problems about multiple emails being trigged.

When payment is declinded they get two emails. 1 customer payment failed email and one custom declined email. How do I make it so they just got one message not 2, and what is difference between decline and fail?

Second when they sign up and pay they get multiple messages.

They get this one

Hello, Ted Harty III:

We’re just notifying you of a successful payment made for the following transaction and tickets:

Payment Details:

Payment Status: Complete
Transaction ID: 1298
Total Cost: $1.00 (USD)
Payment Amount: $1.00 (USD)
Amount Due: $0.00 (USD)
Event: Test event do not sign up for

Ticket Name: Course Fees ( Boat fees will be invoiced after class via email)
Price: $1.00 (USD)
Quantity Purchased: 1
Connect with Us:



Contact Info:


They get this one

Hello, Ted:

Here’s a copy of your registration details!

Event: Test event do not sign up for
Venue: (, )


Ted Harty III

Registration Code: 1298-341-1-1239
Course Fees ( Boat fees will be invoiced after class via email)
January 8, 2017 8:00 am – January 8, 2017 5:00 pm
Questions & Answers

Question: Please enter age, must be 16 or older at start of class
Answer: 16
Question: Sex
Answer: Male
Venue »






Connect with Us:



Contact Info:


and they get this 3 one. This third one is the only one I want them to get when they sign up and pay, how do I do that?

The following message was sent to the Primary Registrant of this transaction:

Payment Details:

Payment Status: Complete
Transaction ID:
Payment Gateway: Invoice
Total Cost: $1.00 (USD)
Payment Amount: $1.00 (USD)
Amount Due: $0.00 (USD)
Thank you for your payment.

This email is to verify that you have paid and that your spot is reserved. Your manual has been processed and will be shipping out shortly, expect to receive it within a week. I encourage you to read through the manual before the start of class.

I wanted to discuss a couple things that will help you get ready for the class.

1. I’ve created a welcome to Immersion Freediving course video, explaining common questions I get from new students. Please watch this first @

2. Two days before the start of the class I suggest you to start taking Mucinex pills in the blue box. You can get them at Walgreens or CVS. If you have any concerns consult your doctor. Just follow the directions on the box. Don’t get the red or the green box. Mucinex is an expectorant and will help clear out your sinuses and Eustachian tubes of any mucus that is in your head. This mucus makes it harder to equalize. My students spend a lot of time, energy, and money to come to my courses. If you can’t equalize your ears you will be disappointed.

3. Two days before the start of the class try to reduce your dairy consumption. If you are like me, and drink milk all the time and put cheese on everything, just try to cut back. It will make clearing your ears easier.

4. Proper equalizing is ESSENTIAL to your performance in your freediving class. I have created a video regarding equalization. Every student MUST watch this short video, which will allow you to test if you are equalizing properly. Watch the video @

If you are equalizing properly then there is nothing further to do. If you are not equalizing properly then you will need to do 2 things. #1 Watch a second video which will prepare you for the upcoming Skype or frenzel equalization session. You can watch the video @ Its is password protected, the password is IAmAnImmersionStudentIFD (Case Sensitive) PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THIS LINK OR PASSWORD. You MUST have watched both videos before you FaceTime or Skype session with me. #2 If you are not equalizing correctly email me to set up the Skype session. I am generally available Monday from 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM and Tuesday & Wednesday from 10:00AM – 5:00 PM. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL MONDAY BEFORE THE COURSE TO SCHEDULE THIS SESSION.

5. If anyone needs a hotel there is one nearby my house where the classroom sessions occur. I have negotiated a corporate rate with a Courtyard Marriott. You can contact Dan Valerioti, Sales Executive Direct Line: 954.604.9183. Identify yourself as a customer of Immersion Freediving and you will get the discounted rate. The hotel website is Don’t call the main number because they don’t know anything about the discounted rate, contact Dan. There is also a La Quinta nearby. You can use discount code BRITE for the LaQuinta. My address is 1835 NW 105th Ave Plantation, FL 33322. If you are flying into town and you stay at one of those 2 hotels, I will provide transportation once you get to my house. I will take you to the pool, ocean, and drop you off in the evening. IF YOU STAY SOMEWHERE ELSE I WILL NOT PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION. The only time you will be responsible for transportation is any morning where we start in the classroom. In those situation just get a cab or use UBER to get the house, and I will take care of the rest. Over the years I’ve had problems with going to pick up students and they are running late or at the wrong hotel and this causes students to be at the house waiting for the class to start and I’m not there.

6. I have put the equipment lecture online. By having the students watch this before this before the start of class is a huge advantage. This video is 45 minutes long. By removing that 45 minutes from the first day of classroom session this will allow us to get to the pool earlier and allow us some breathing room during the lecture. This video must be watched before the start of class. Regardless of your experience level you will learn some great information here. Video can be seen @ password is IAmAnImmersionStudentIFD. Please do not share this link or password.

7. Make sure you understand the deal with the medical form. You already checked the box that you understand and agreed. You will have to fill out the medical form and bring it to the class. If there are ANY boxes marked YES you MUST have a doctor’s note AND stamp before you get into the pool or ocean. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN POOL OR OCEAN IF THIS IS NOT TAKEN CARE OF AND WILL FORFEIT YOUR COURSE FEES. You can view the form here and will be getting it in your manual.

8. You already checked the box that you agreed to the cancellation policy. That document describes what seas we go out in, what we don’t go out in, what happens if we cancel an ocean session. If you didn’t actually read that, please actually read it. You can see it here @

9. Booking Flights I would ALWAYS recommend booking a later flight on Sunday. If we have bad weather Sunday morning, I might delay the boat trip until the weather passes. This would have us coming back to the dock later than expected. The later your flight the more flexibility you have if we are confronted with bad weather.

10. Here is what the typical schedule will look like for your class. A detailed class schedule will be emailed to you two weeks before the start of class.


Classroom 1835 NW 105th Ave Plantation FL, 33322 My house

Pool #1 7600 NW 50th St Lauderhill, FL 33351 Vetran’s Park

Pool #2 901 NW 10th St, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 Houston sworn aquatic center

Ocean 420 SW 3rd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 3331 Riverfront Marina

Recommend sandwich place 195 N Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale FL 33301 Premo subs

FD (3-day) students:

Day 1

Classroom 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Pool #1 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Day 2

Pool #2 8:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m

Ocean 1:30 p.m – 7:00 p.m

Day 3

Class 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Ocean 1:30 p.m – 7:00 p.m

IFD (4-day) students:

Day 1

Classroom 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Pool #1 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Day 2

Class 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 p.m.

Pool #2 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m

Ocean 1:30 p.m – 7:00 p.m

Day 3

Class 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Ocean 1:30 p.m – 7:00 p.m

Day 4

Ocean 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

I have freediving gear for rent and for sale.

Gear for Sale

Immersion Oceaner Rec 45 Wetsuit – $475
Dessault Plastic Fins – $95
Aqua Sphera Mask (best mask for freediving) – $49
OMER rubber weight belt – $30
OMER zoom snorkel – $30
Deep Apnea Carbon Fiber Fins – $485
Rental Prices
Wet suit – $20 per day
Mask – $10 per day
Snorkel – $5 per day
Weight belt – $5 per day
Plastic Fins – $10 per day
Carbon Fiber Fins – $20 per day
Dive Computer – $10 per day
Just as a reminder please make sure you have taken care of the #4. If you are not equalizing correctly you will not get past 30ft during the course. Just because you can scuba dive to 100ft does not mean you are equalizing properly. Equalizing for scuba is different that equalizing for freediving. The session will allow me to teach you how to properly use frenzel, and he will also be giving you some homework to make sure you having everything figured out before you come to class.

I look forward to working with you.

Ted Harty

Founder of Immersion Freediving

USA Freediving Record Holder

Captain 2012 US Freediving Team

complete social presence @


Registrant Details:

Ted Harty III:


  • Support Staff

December 13, 2016 at 8:35 am

Ok, lets start with the different types of messages. Failed or Declined.

The difference simply depends on the type of response returned from your payment provider and what status is set on the payment as a result of that. If your payment provider has a specific declined response which EE uses to set the payment status as Declined, it triggers the payment declined message.

If the provider simply responds with failed, the payment status is set to failed and the payment failed message is triggered.

So in other words the payment message is directly related to the status set on the payment.

The multiple payment issue looks like you are sending multiple contexts for a specific message type, or you are testing an event in which the email address you are using as the registrant is the same as the event admin (meaning you receive ALL of the emails sent by EE).

I ran a test registration however we do not run live payments, so I used test card details within (which is expected to fail). This trigger the ‘payment failed’ message but I received BOTH the Primary Registrant context AND the Event Admin context, which likely means you’ve added the [PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_EMAIL] shortcode to the ‘To’ field of the Event Admin context.

Take a look here for info on message contexts:

Basically the same message template has multiple ‘contexts’ in which its used and each of those context has its own template. For example if a payment failed, we send a message to the Primary registrant informing them their payment failed but we also send a message to the Event Admin informing them. The reason for this is a user is having trouble making payments its likely the Event Admin would like to know so they can offer another method.

Right now it looks like your sending both contexts to the user and you may also be doing this for multiple different message types.

Take a look at the above link and check which message context you are editing and then check its going to the correct ‘user’ (event admin or registrant)

Ted Harty

December 14, 2016 at 3:22 pm

Thanks I understand now, I got it all fixed!


  • Support Staff

December 14, 2016 at 3:27 pm

Great 🙂 I’m glad your up and running.

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