
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Problem with euro in 4.4.8

Problem with euro in 4.4.8

Posted: January 6, 2015 at 1:08 pm

Benjamin Nizet

January 6, 2015 at 1:08 pm

There’s an issue with the latest release :
The price in euros is set up like this : 238
Each time the post is saved / updated, the price goes to 238,00 (meaning 23800,00 euros) then 23800,00 and so on and so on.
Can you please update ?


  • Support Staff

January 6, 2015 at 1:44 pm

Hi Benjamin,

Can you check the currency settings that you have set for your country in Event Espresso > General Settings > Countries tab?

It sounds like you have the Currency Decimal Mark set to comma, and decimal places set to 2. You can change these settings to use 0 decimal places if you prefer.

As an aside, can you please follow up with Sidney in your other thread?

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