The events are draft. When I publish and test an event, the log shows a missing_order error. I assume I did something simple wrong.
Please publish an event to test. Unpublish again event if it works. Thanks!!
This topic was modified 1 month ago by Garth. Reason: removed credntials
1) I can see a number of events and tickets have special characters such as slashes and parentheses / and ) or (, dashes – or colons : . Can you create a test event with just standard alphanumeric characters?
I wonder if PayPal Commerce is getting tripped up with those special characters. I can test this on my test website too.
2) You cannot pay yourself, into your own paypal account. So if you are testing, be sure to pay yourself with a card not your own PayPal account.
I’ve just pushed an update for Event Espresso (5.0.33.p), which should fix this on your site.
If you don’t see the update available just yet, go to Event Espresso -> General Settings.
Make no changes and just hit save, that will force EE to check for updated versions.
It should now show an update available for EE in Dashboard -> Plugins.
Please update and retest, do you have any issues then?
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