
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Printing Specifications

Printing Specifications

Posted: October 16, 2013 at 9:02 pm

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TJ Chopelas

October 16, 2013 at 9:02 pm

Guys, I have a Boca Printer that I want to use to link up physical tickets with EE. I know EE wasn’t initially designed to support printing tickets in bulk, but from my understanding after reading through forum, their is a way to kind of get around it by registering a set amount of tickets as “Physical Ticket” so we can capture a unique QR Code and print out a set amount at one time. Is this doable? Also, Please let me know if the software requires the FGL or PCL printer language and if the printer needs to be configured for 200 or 300 DPI. I could not find anything in the documentation describing this. Thank you



October 17, 2013 at 1:09 am


You can create X number of fake attendees thus X number of tickets, that in itself is a reasonable job as we have the import attendee via spreadsheet add on in the Pr release.

Printing them off though will be a very manual job as you will need to go into each attendee, click the ticket link and print from there.

“FGL or PCL printer language and if the printer needs to be configured for 200 or 300 DPI”

The tickets are designed to be printed from a home printer via the browser, so I am not sure that FGL/PCL is relevant and the DPI is dependant on the users settings.

Sorry I can’t be much more help, but as you say, the system isn’t designed for bulk offline printing.

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