
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Printing question on custom Badge developed with ticketing plugin

Printing question on custom Badge developed with ticketing plugin

Posted: July 3, 2024 at 10:42 am

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July 3, 2024 at 10:42 am

EE4: Using the ticketing plugin, we had a custom “badge” template with QR code developed that our staff will use to print badges for our attendees. However, since it’s actually a ticket disguising itself as a badge, it appears we have to go to each registration individually, click on the “display ticket for registration” icon, then print from the browser. It will be fine for last minute on-site registrations, but it’s time consuming to have to go to each registration to print this. Is there an easier way to accomplish this – some type of report or something maybe?

Also, it appears that the ticketing plugin defaults to sending a ticket email to all registrants. Since we’re not using the plugin for that purpose, is there a way to disable the emailed ticket while still having the system generate the custom “badge” ticket for our backend use? I found an option under Messages Settings-Settings-Email Settings that allows me to remove the Ticket Notice; however, I’m not certain if that affects the custom ticket or anything else with the system.

Thank you.


  • Support Staff

July 4, 2024 at 12:36 am

Is there an easier way to accomplish this – some type of report or something maybe?
No, we don’t have this option EE. But will talk to our developers for recommendations.

Also, it appears that the ticketing plugin defaults to sending a ticket email to all registrants. Since we’re not using the plugin for that purpose, is there a way to disable the emailed ticket while still having the system generate the custom “badge” ticket for our backend use? I found an option under Messages Settings-Settings-Email Settings that allows me to remove the Ticket Notice; however, I’m not certain if that affects the custom ticket or anything else with the system.

If you want to disabled certain email that the system sending, you need to go to ee dashboard -> message -> setting then drag and drop


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