
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Printable Ticket

Printable Ticket

Posted: March 28, 2016 at 6:38 pm

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March 28, 2016 at 6:38 pm

Again i cannot follow your documentation, missing understanding of concept, as I do not find items which are described … How and where I can have an overview, what print-ticket and customization are about?
Is there one Ticket Template for all tickets in the system?
I do not see a possibility to have more than one ticket for example with different text and image and how this is organized for different events.
Documentation says:
After clicking the Add New link, you will be taken to a new page to create the ticket.
I have to guess this is talking about Backend Event Espresso Messages – Tickets!!
I do not see Add New link, and I do not find upload an image possibility!
Why don´t you make not use of screenshots to make things more clear?

In the company information I did change a logo file and tried several times but Logo on receipt or invoice does not change. It does not appear on ticket as well….


  • Support Staff

March 29, 2016 at 5:38 am

Hi there,

The documentation here:

Shows you have to access tickets.

Is there one Ticket Template for all tickets in the system?

There is a ‘global’ template, used by all events by default but you can also create custom tickets for specific events if you prefer.

So do you want to edit the ticket used for all events or a ticket template for a specific event?

To edit the global ticket go to Event Espresso -> Messages -> Ticket.

Click on the Recipient link to open up the ticket template.

That template is the one used by all events by default.

To create a custom template for a specific event you can edit the event itself. Go to the bottom of the page and find the ‘Notifications’ section –

Click to ‘Create New Custom’ on the ticket template, this will create a new custom ticket template and assign it to that event. You can also edit the template from that page, or if you go to:

Event Espresso -> Messages -> Custom Message Templates –

You’ll find all custom templates listed there.

In the company information I did change a logo file and tried several times but Logo on receipt or invoice does not change.

The logo for the Receipt and Invoice can also be set within the Invoice payment method.

Go to Event Espresso -> Payment methods -> Invoice (active it if it is disabled)

Within that section you’ll find Logo Image section –

That is the logo used specifically for the Invoice and Receipts. You can either set the logo there, or set it to nothing and EE will use the logo set within Organization settings.

It does not appear on ticket as well….

The ticket does not display the company logo by default, have you included the [CO_LOGO] shortcode within the ticket?

The default for the ticket is to use the event feature image [EVENT_IMAGE], as a ticket is specific to an event.

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